Mister Jake ll

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Re: Mister Jake ll

Post by Graaf Statler » Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:17 pm

This is coming to the USA.

We just passed the 100,000 infected mark and that's certainly underestimated due to the lack of widespread testing.
Yeh, Vig, this is coming to a country what balance on a financial bankruptcy with all it's debt s, a moral bankruptcy and a weak political system and many, many social problems. And a president who doesn't take this virus serious.

I fear for the worst.

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Re: Mister Jake ll

Post by Graaf Statler » Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:26 am

I am really wondering why you and your team should pay even one dollar to held a forum in the air where every shithead can insult people as much as he want, can tell as much bullshit and wikishit as he want and can tell anonymus as much lies as he want, Jake.

And I am really curies what you had to say if I stated our Free Bicycles Foundation and made a podium where every shithead and stole bicycle lover just could say what he wanted. I think the US navy should pick me up with the proud American flag in top, and you Americans should trough me a life time in jail, and they had been right!

The bullshit you WO guys held now in the air is complete improper in this time of crisis and to be honest, I don't give WMF any change to start up after this crisis again there Free Copyvio Mouvement without the change to end up for a long time in a European jail.

So leave the crap, Jake and others. I am not crazy, you all know that dammed well, just as you know I am complete right.
Despid all your now more than 10 years fucking gaslighting.

And if one of you doesn't agree, grow some balls and come over here to discuss the matter as a man with me, and not as the bunch whimpering children what your guys are now!

You are a bunch of shivering chickens, Jake, and that is what you all are!
Sending the impressive Alexander to Holland to solve the problem Statler with social benefit Bart and Romaine and horny Sanda.

How dare you!

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Re: Mister Jake ll

Post by Graaf Statler » Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:18 am

Jake wrote:Ahh, but Trump and the GOP brain-trust know that in order to defeat a virus, you have to think like a virus, and that obviously means having the same brain capacity as a virus.
Are you here describing your president or the guest of your forum and the Free Copyvio Movement, Jack?
I think both.
But does a country not get the leaders it deserve, Jack? What do you think? Because what I have seen till now of social justice left America it is just as horrifying as your president Trump.
Left America has very little to do with social justice in practice Jake. And I am glad I am living in a country with a parlement what yesterday said the economy is in the second place now. Left wing and right wing politicians work close together here now, Jake, it is war time. The war against a virus. Alle neuzen staat een kant op, all noses are in the same direction as we say.

But what about if we come over with our Free Bicycle Mouvement and the Dutch marine with the pirate flag in top and a lot of doctors and psychofarmaca to help you guys? Because after all what your country has done for Europa in WW2 we own you that. And we will bring also the destroyed expensive director chair of Utrecht chapter back, because maybe you can repair it, it will be crisis in America, everything helps. It was a expensive one you know, Romaine has cried for day's for it.

I am worried about America, Jake, serieus. Because it seems to me lying has become the norm in your country. You president lie, the CEO of the brave free copyvio mouvement lie, Viligiant is telling all the time absurd lies, your forum members lie, Alexander was lying with his Trolling&Sucks department bullshit, and we have here in Holland a American based chapter filled up with liars.

To use a quote of queen Beatrix, de leugen regeert. The lie govern in your country, Jake. The mentality is Any Rand, bad is good.
No Jake, bad is not good, a lesson your country and a lot of wiki free loaders now are going to learn, because I hope at least you have the brain capacity to understand the Free Money Mouvement and we may drink the money in the bar party in this time of crisis is complete over.
And that the Trump lies will make a lot of unneeded victims, because that is going to happen now!
But all America is going to suffer, because America will be hit extreem hard now in this crisis, also economic. Because of.......lies mister Jake.

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Re: Mister Jake ll

Post by Graaf Statler » Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:05 pm

Jim wrote:because he's a deluded prick who has less than a percent of a clue what he's ranting about, though?
Can I still tell Jim to fuck right off because he is a cowardly asshole who is shouting from a other forum unsubstantiated crap from behind a nick?
Less than a percent, Jim? Or is was it 10%? Or 100%? What did Eric wrong?

Just a question, Jim, and next time come over to discuss such things here, Jim.
He said some weird things about me that had no basis in anything approaching reality, but if we're just going to treat him as that odd, embarrassing, usually absent uncle who says strange, unhinged things at Sunday dinner which everyone just grimaces at, coughs semi-politely and looks the other way, then I'm cool with that.
So, and what did he say what has upset you so, Jim? Can you come over with some links? So we can discuss the matter as grown up peeps? What about that?

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Re: Mister Jake ll

Post by boredbird » Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:18 pm

Graaf Statler wrote:
Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:26 am
So leave the crap, Jake and others. I am not crazy, you all know that dammed well, just as you know I am complete right.

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Re: Mister Jake ll

Post by Graaf Statler » Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:52 pm

Tim wrote:Is extreem stupide to talk about Sucks anymore.
Do you know what extreem stupide is, Tim? Talking about "fights" with a old man who can walk about 800 meter at max on a treadmill if you simple can't win with arguments. And was simple fucking wrong all the time. Bloody sad fools whats you are!
Whenever he shows up at my house, I just try to steer the dinner conversation over to other subjects like the superiority of analog vacuum-tube technology over digital, or the challenges of dealing with the competing Euro vs. 19-inch rack-unit standards. Also, it helps that he appreciates high-end exotic cuisine.
I join you two, Jake. I love to talk about 19-inch rack units, vacuum tube Fender amplifiers with EL34's (AD RT164 you guys call it), Gibsons guitars versus Fenders, looping tape echo's, spring echo's, and yes, also high-end exotic cuisine. I really love your American sound engineering! Only why for the fuck you guys have 110 volt, trouble trouble with your bands in europe always in the past.
But don't lets talk about American electrity networks with Eric arround.
But only high-end exotic cuisine with fresh stuff out of the regio, most time bought by the local farmers. Something I can advise Eric too with his food allergic.

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