They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

For serious discussion of the "major" forum for Wikipedia criticism and how it fails.
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Re: They made Smilley/Hillbillyholliday a moderator! And other hillarious fanmaill.

Post by Jake Is A Sellout » Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:41 pm

rog wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:43 pm
But this is all off topic, apollogies.
U wish!

I've seen the Wikipediocracy job description for Mod.

1. Do anything Beeblebrox asks. Anything.
2. Stop the mighty Crow from pooping on our lawn. (latterly simply read as, see 1.)
3. Help Tarantino store things in your closet. DO NOT OPEN BOXES.
4. No pets (they like the smell of what's in them boxes).

You might have been the only mug out there that even wanted that job. It's been vacant, what, how many years exactly?

A one dimensional dickhead like you probably doesn't realise, but in my time, due to the quality of my work, commitment to the cause, and general sense of British fair play, I've been offered the Mod role at every Wikipedia criticism site that has ever existed.

I have always refused, chiefly because the least I can do to look like a wikishit, and we know they do so love to have the upper hand in disputes with extra buttons and the ear of management, the better.

I am armed only with my words and the truth.

Good for the brand.

You by contrast, can only get work at Wikipediocracy post sell out.

Of all the people who would want to be a Wikipedia Administrator for reasons other than bringing down Wikipedia, it's got to be a creepy deviant bastard like you.

Deny it, if you dare. Tell us about about yourself. Something your ma would be proud of.


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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by Jake Is A Sellout » Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:49 pm

rog wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:38 pm
Could be a coincidence, I suppose. What do I know?
The way to prove a coincidence is not a coincidence, I am thinking?

But thank you for proving that you're the sort of person who gets a phrase like "Wikipediocracy blog team member" accepted as fact on Wikipedia, like that's even a thing. Awesome work, all be it unintentional I am sure!

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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by rog » Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:54 pm

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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by Jake Is A Sellout » Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:12 pm

What's your point?

Even the first example in that section, the one you might assume is the most damning and/or the most assessed by Wikipedia editors for relevance, is a fucking joke.
In 2011, the Daily Mail published an article titled "Just ONE cannabis joint 'can cause psychiatric episodes similar to schizophrenia' as well as damaging memory".[213] Dr. Matt Jones, the lead author of the study that is cited in the article was quoted by Cannabis Law Reform as saying: "This study does NOT say that one spliff will bring on schizophrenia".[214]
I mean, maybe I'm stoned, but I don't see how one statement relates to the other. But a Wikipedia editor thinks it does.

A serious encyclopedia writer probably wouldn't have even used such a biased source.
In its latest, shameful descent into lies, scaremongering and deceit about science and cannabis, The Daily Mail blurts: “One cannabis joint ‘can bring on schizophrenia’ as well as damaging memory”

This will be the subject of a Press Complaints Commission complaint. However, I do not expect any satisfaction or proper evaluation of a complaint by the PCC as it has proved itself again and again to be corrupt, dishonest and not in the least concerned with truth, accuracy or enforcing the Editors’ Code.

However, I have now spoken directly to Dr Matt Jones, lead author of the study in question and MRC Senior Non-clinical Fellow at the University of Bristol. He told me that he was “disappointed but not surprised” at the Daily Mail’s coverage of his work. He gave me permission to quote him in saying that “This study does NOT say that one spliff will bring on schizophrenia”.

The Daily Mail, its journalists and its toady apologists on the PCC are liars, cheats and charlatans with not one ounce of integrity, nor any interest in truth or honesty.
Something tells me we shouldn't really be trusting this source has fairly or even accurately conveyed the substance of their interview with the good doctor.

But hey, what would that matter to Wikishits? Bias is good, as long as it aligns with their own bias.

I am LOVING that you allowed all this to be highlighted, lifting the lid on what Wikipedia is, and you didn't harm the Mail one teeny tiny bit in doing so.

The wording cannot be corrected or improved, because thanks to Wikipediocracy's help, thanks to heroes like you, anyone who registers to make such edits, gets blocked.

I mean, how do you not see stuff like that and feel deep shame?

This is you. This is your impact on the world. The way Wikipedia presents its version of the truth, is because of people like you.

Out here in the real world, we're still allowed to read the article (as opposed to the headline) and understand what incredible value the Mail is.
Cannabis abuse has previously been linked with increased rates of schizophrenia but this is the strongest evidence yet that the drug mimics its effects.

The scientists studied rats who had been given the active ingredient of cannabis - in a similar dose to a person smoking a joint.

Using electrodes embedded into their brains – which cannot be done in humans – they found those who had the drug were ‘significantly impaired’ in carrying out tasks for up to two hours afterwards.

If this dose of cannabis has the same effect on humans, just one joint could significantly change their behaviour.

Dr Matt Jones, the lead author of the study said: ‘Cannabis is making normal people behave more like schizophrenia patients when they take it and that’s something they should bear in mind.

‘Previous studies have shown a link but we didn’t have this level of detail.
Seems like the headline writer did his job.

We can safely assume that if the good doctor had disagreed with any of the above, he would have said something.

Seems like that twat from Cannabis Law Reform failed in his mission to prove the Mail had written an inaccurate piece, but fuck it, they'd got all mad and made a phone call, so they put something out there anyway, in the sure fire knowledge Wikishits would eat it up.

Nom nom nom.

That is, if we are even sure that whoever put that in Wikipedia, wasn't that twat himself.

In a past life, before they sold out, Wikipediocracy cared about telling people they really shouldn't be surprised if that is what happened here.

Now, thanks to scumlords like you, they somehow got the idea Wikipedia checks its sources for issues like accuracy and bias.

Which they do.

It goes something like this....

1. We hate the Mail
2. This twat from Cannabis Law Reform hates the Mail
3. Reliable source!

Just another surprising window into the fraud that was the Wikipedia Daily Mail ban.

1. They're publishing irrelevant criticism of a Mail headline.

2. They're not acknowledging the headline is probably fair, once you read the article.

3. They're not acknowledging the criticism comes from a biased source who isn't even a journalist.

3. They're not acknowledging headlines are not used as sources on Wikipedia, period.

4. They're not acknowledging that no newspaper printing anything about this specific study, even if it was the holy Guardian itself, would be usable on Wikipedia, because of their medical specific rules.

5. They specifically banned Wikipedia as a source because it allegedly prints false headlines and false medical stories.

Obvious motive for this grand deception, that you played a massive part in, is obvious (reporting about the potential harms of cannabis is seen as a right wing issue, and Wikipedia wants to appeal to the left wing).

There are top quality journalistic studies out there showing the Mail's coverage of science is really quite good, and much of it is exactly what they want, quality reporting of studies of studies. And naturally, because they're a commercial success and the likes of The Guardian are pan handling bias factories, just like Wikipedia, they simply do way more of it than the Guardian could even dream of.

Doesn't matter to the wikishits, apparently.

This is you.

You clealry love the fact that becuase of you, Wikipedia is a threat to children and cannabis users.

I think everyone's getting a good idea of who you are, deep down.

And we are seeing what Wikipediocracy likes to see in a Mod.

For shame. :?

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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by rog » Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:24 pm

MickMacNee wrote:I'm stoned
Me too!

What you smoking? <------- Bet you never knew Kohs was also an avant garde performance artist!

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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by rog » Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:36 pm

Jake Is A Sellout wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:12 pm
What's your point?
The point was to induce one of your trademark waterfalls of logorrhea.
Curses! Foiled again!

By the way, I think you're wrong about Jess Wade.
She is intelligent, diligent, and a credit to the Wikimedia movement.

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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by Jake Is A Sellout » Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:38 pm

rog wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:36 pm
I think you're wrong about Jess Wade.

She is intelligent, diligent, and a credit to the Wikimedia movement.
I see what you did there.

I think I'll quote you on it though, because tbh, what have you ever done that makes anyone believe this isn't your view?

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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by rog » Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:44 pm

If I told you me and Jess are actually good friends IRL, serendipitously brought together by our common foe, would your strange little head go pop?

fingers x'd

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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by sashi » Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:54 pm

With its mi'kmaq of language (mackem. nice!)

& the story of Marty McCrow double agent,

this thread is getting as intriguing as the one on Philip Cross.

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Re: They made Smiley/Hillbillyholiday a moderator! And other hilarious fanmail.

Post by Jake Is A Sellout » Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:57 pm

rog wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:36 pm
Jake Is A Sellout wrote:
Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:12 pm
What's your point?
The point was to induce one of your trademark waterfalls of logorrhea.
And mine is to show that you don't put much thought into how these things can backfire on you.

Your best hope is nobody is reading. In which case you're just some sad bastard trying to get a rise out of someone you know already likes hurting you because you're a very bad person, as you lie there and take it, for your own entertainment.

Pretty wierd stuff.

Not likely to endear you to your new underlings, who find such things a bit, well, gross.

And there it is. The call back.

Where you stumble around on short comedy and skits, mine is more of an arena show.

I'm the Stewart Lee here.

Without two dimensions, there can't be three.

It's about cheap thrills versus real art, stuff that makes you laugh, then think, and then want to stab someone.

I'm good at what I do, and I want to thank you for being a small part in my success.

Now go buy some merch! The kids gotta eat, now you lost Daddy his day job.

I kid. I got a handsome raise this year. Can't think why.


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