Leading Internet asshole god says "Wikimedia is A-OK"

Because no one else is doing it--not even the media.
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Leading Internet asshole god says "Wikimedia is A-OK"

Post by ericbarbour » Sat Mar 10, 2018 10:47 pm

Wikimedia's transparency report is a joy by Cory Doctorow, a man so pathetic and conflicted that he has a very long and very mean Dramatica artlcle.
So Wikipedia's transparency report is something of a joy. I mean, how can you read this: "From July to December of 2017, we received 343 requests to alter or remove project content, seven of which came from government entities. Once again, we granted zero of these requests" and not rejoice?

Those bastards have lied about copyright, DMCA and government issues before. Why should we take Doctorow's word at face value and give the WMF any "benefit of the doubt"? EVERYTHING THEY DO IS DOUBTFUL. Because lying and dissembling are hard-baked into their culture.

Knowing how they used ignorance and "well that was the volunteer community's fault" and outright lies before, it's impossible for me to accept their claim of only twelve DMCA claims during all of 2017. Other major American-based websites, like Facebook, Twitter, Google and Yahoo, get millions of DMCA complaints every year. Compare this to the WMF statement.

Also, I suspect the Foundation simply ignores many DMCA claims, provided the complainers aren't large and wealthy media corporations who could afford to sue the WMF in open court (which would be really embarrassing, esp. if the plaintiff decides to start revealing mountains of Wiki-Dirt that have accumulated since 2003). Their DMCA calculations are made to insure the safety of the WMF and its rotten petty little cult following, and not copyright holders, nor even Wikipedia content.

Look at the DMCA categories on the WMF website. They only raise more questions than they answer. Each one has been carefully assembled by known Wiki-Liars: Maggie Dennis, Philippe Beaudette, and in the last 4 years James Alexander. Heavily involved since they started posting this stuff: German Wikipedia nerd and longtime Commons/Meta admin Steinsplitter, a deep insider who is almost never discussed.


(there was no listing for 2010 and there was nothing prior to 2009. No idea why.)

Compare this self-serving WMF shit to Levine's 2011 book Free Ride. You will see two very different versions of reality. Which is more likely to be accurate?

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Re: Leading Internet asshole god says "Wikimedia is A-OK"

Post by CrowsNest » Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:08 am

To grant zero requests out of 343 is absolute proof they are doing something illegitimate - no way in hell is every last one of those requests bogus. It is simply unpossible.

I can just about believe that direct action by copyright holders ensures that 99% of the thousands of daily copyright infringements missed by the Wikipedians are taken down without the need for a DCMA, but their intransigence in the face of legitimate claims due to their free kulture knobbery is well established.

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Re: Leading Internet asshole god says "Wikimedia is A-OK"

Post by Graaf Statler » Sun Mar 11, 2018 10:36 am

Yeh, but the mouvement is bigger than only America. I can't give any detail now, Eric knows why, but the have a new tactic. Boomerang lawyers. They are going to light the fire pile themself! They think the can save there business with a Pyrrhic victory, what they never will get by the way.

Good luck boy's, see you in court!

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Re: Leading Internet asshole god says "Wikimedia is A-OK"

Post by Strelnikov » Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:32 am

ericbarbour wrote:....Look at the DMCA categories on the WMF website. They only raise more questions than they answer. Each one has been carefully assembled by known Wiki-Liars: Maggie Dennis, Philippe Beaudette, and in the last 4 years James Alexander. Heavily involved since they started posting this stuff: German Wikipedia nerd and longtime Commons/Meta admin Steinsplitter, a deep insider who is almost never discussed.

Steinsplitter claims to be from "the Tyrol" so he might be Austrian or Italian - he claims to speak the Tyrolean German dialect (Wikipedia claims this is the "South Tyrolean dialect", known in standard German as Südtirolerisch, in dialect Südtiroulerisch or "Sîdtiroulerisch") which is close to Bavarian but shot through with Italianisms. I know that sounds like I'm nitpicking but the German sprachraum extended all the way to the Volga river before the 1950s and people in places like Romania, northern and western Poland, what used to be Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and what is now Ukraine and western Russia spoke German as part of their ethnic identity. At any rate, the smokescreen about DMCA and copyright claims also covers Steinsplitter as well - they lie, and the "German" lives somewhere in the mountains of northern Italy or southern Austria.
Still "Globally Banned" on Wikipedia for the high crime of journalism.

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Re: Leading Internet asshole god says "Wikimedia is A-OK"

Post by Graaf Statler » Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:02 am

He probably lives in Austria. Because in Südtirol the first language is Italian, and in Tirol, Austria, German. The Germanic languages have many, many dialects, but in schools, official authorities, newspapers, a dialect is never spoken, written, or used in documents. You speak a dialect at home and with your friends, family, it is not a language, it's a dialect.

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Re: Leading Internet asshole god says "Wikimedia is A-OK"

Post by ericbarbour » Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:25 am

Now, let's see you figure out his real identity.....he's only been on Wikimedia projects since June 2012, rose in the ranks VERY quickly, and has done a great job of hiding his real name. You can't even post a mild criticism of his work on his userpage or talkpage; it will be rev-deleted quickly.

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Re: Leading Internet asshole god says "Wikimedia is A-OK"

Post by Graaf Statler » Thu Mar 15, 2018 9:45 am

I consider this anonymity as a huge problem. Al kinds of persons takes decisions and hide themself behind anonymity. It's the same with arbcom members, meta stewards, etc. They can do what they want, and are safe in there private life. In my opinion WMF has to make or the names public or has to put them out of there function.

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