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Who the hell is Brian Murphy?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:16 pm
by ericbarbour
According to this TechDirt report, he was a Trump-admin stooge who completely screwed up the DHS handling of the Portland protests after the death of George Floyd. Thus; for a few months, Portland had federal employees in unmarked vans grabbing people semi-randomly off the street for incompetent "interrogation". ... -protests/
On top of this disaster was Acting Under Secretary Brian Murphy, who was openly hostile towards any form of accountability or oversight.
Yet according to Wikipedia, he's a whistleblowing HERO. Because most of his article blubbers about his whistleblowing (after he was tossed out of his top DHS job, of course).

The only mention of the Floyd protests in his article:
He was temporarily reassigned from that position two months later after it was alleged his office had compiled dossiers of public information about journalists who were reporting on the George Floyd protests.[8]
Well? Did he "decline to comply" or not? Eeny meenie?