I am a bored bird

Editors, Admins and Bureaucrats blecch!
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Re: I am a bored bird

Post by ericbarbour » Sun Jul 11, 2021 3:56 am

might as well dump a few extra photos.

Rob13-RobertClarkLinkedIn.png (56.31 KiB) Viewed 9629 times
Ritchie333, whom the Crow seems to not have much Wiki-Luv for, boohoo
ritchie333swann.jpg (58.38 KiB) Viewed 9629 times
Not disgusted enough? The special-edition Casio calculator with Jess Wade's picture on the back.....
I bet her narcissism must have redlined when they put this out
Jess-Wade-Casio_Calculator.png (96.38 KiB) Viewed 9629 times

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Re: I am a bored bird

Post by ericbarbour » Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:22 am

boredbird wrote:
Wed Aug 07, 2019 7:32 pm
Praxidicae was originally named User:Chrissymad.
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =747651264
Her first edit was to Cote de Pablo.
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =714268428
Here she is on Reddit talking about the same things.
She is Chrissy Copley (Madison) on facebook.
She had her Facebook blanked. Her "resignation" was a fake--went right back to grinding revert/deletion soon after.
Hi Chrissy! What's with the BLM stuff on your user page....? "Virtue signaling" to the other pathologicals?
She's a lot better looking than the average WP woman editor. (Tell Jimbo so he will stalk her!)
ChrissyPraxidicaeCopley.png (210.27 KiB) Viewed 9627 times

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Re: I am a bored bird

Post by ericbarbour » Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:54 am

Chris "Yamla" Thompson. He's been keeping a lower profile in recent years. I can guess why.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia ... ment/Yamla
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia ... mla/Awards

But still continues his classic profile of block/refuse unblock/snipe while playing a "Good Wikipedian". And has written VERY little content. Pure deletionist patroller. And he's been doing it for SEVENTEEN YEARS. Number 87 on the list of most-blocking admins, with 6307 accounts blocked, making him a little WORSE than classic assholes like Ryulong or Beeblebrox.
ChrisYamlaThompson.png (61.57 KiB) Viewed 9624 times

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Re: I am a bored bird

Post by ericbarbour » Fri Sep 03, 2021 5:08 am

It's TERRIBLE and I hate to admit it, but lately I've been thinking of future top-page banners for this forum. The Sarah Stierch one made her and several other Wiki-Fools extremely angry. But there was nothing they could do.

I've thought of putting up that famous photo of Andrew Morrow (who is now back in jail for threatening people WHAT A SURPRISE) at a Wikipedia picnic. Some of his victims would dislike that, although the main purpose is to humiliate Erik Moeller (who was prominently at that picnic) and not Andy. He's abuse-proof. The little turd.

Even worse, looked at the old Masem article on Dramatica and thought, I wonder what would happen to that PhD physicist if the top banner featured some of his furry cartoons? As if his employers and fellow scientists weren't already aware of his furry-brony tendencies. As I noted before, Michael is grinding the SHIT out of the Steam article for some goddamn reason. Paid editing would not surprise me. The best way to get favorable treatment on WP is to buy yourself an administrator. But really who even gives a shit about Masem anymore?

Ha ha, now he has a Know Your Meme account:

Anyone got ideas? Nothing useful or snappy will be refused. I really prefer snappy. Wikipedians are not snappy -- most are basically soggy biscuits....

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Re: I am a bored bird

Post by ericbarbour » Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:05 pm

hmm, one of the longtime admins that ContextFlexed "doxxed" long ago was just verified. He changed his username and tried (but failed) to cover up his identity in 2019.

formerly "Dlohcierekim"

Look at his early userpage edits--all rev deleted. And he obliterated his longtime sock account. But you can find his real name easily.

His original 2007 RFA mentions his " alternate account". His admin username was just his name backwards. Mike Reichold of Largo, Florida. He started grinding again in 2017 after years of inactivity. Neeerd. He was not studied for the book wiki since he's an obvious "gnome" and talkpage squabbler, and not a major editwarrior or abuser. Given his recent deletions for Arbcom and his attempt to hide his identity, might have to reconsider.

Old Geocities page:

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Re: I am a bored bird

Post by boredbird » Mon Oct 11, 2021 2:49 pm

Hey guys want a checkuser and oversighter? They can't delete stuff here can they?

Crow you don't like checkusers right? They are invading your sockpuppets' privacy.

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Re: I am a bored bird

Post by ericbarbour » Wed Oct 13, 2021 4:00 am

Sure, so long as it's someone who hasn't been decloseted before. Bonus points for a major process abuser.

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Re: I am a bored bird

Post by vitaphoenix » Sun Mar 20, 2022 4:06 am

So that is Praxidicae's correct Reddit account but the other social links are incorrect. Chrissy Copley is a completely different woman. Praxidicae's real name is Chrissy Mad Anderson (not Copley).

The reddit matches up with the Wiki pages she first edited (that you linked, like about Cote de Pablo), and all the stuff she posted on reddit recently all matches with "Chrissy Mad Anderson". She got married recently in February 2022 so her new last name is Gaudiello but she still uses chrissy mad/anderson on some socials.

Cote de Pablo is also one of the interests listed on her old Live Journal by the way if you want additional proof: https://madelynnm.livejournal.com/profile. On the reddit she was posting about being 13 weeks pregnant and the date of her wedding and engagement, her age and location and hometown, etc that all lines up with the public Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook etc. And all the recent times she posted on Reddit were times she stopped submitting wiki contribs so it all lines up.

And one of the first pages she edited was for Fells Point in Baltimore (see Talk page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Fell ... _Baltimore) which is where her Instagram and Facebook posts tag as her location (and is frequently mentioned in her Reddit posts).

All of this info is publicly and legally available on social media/the public domain without trying hard (quick Google search of her name and username). I am only copying and pasting this info here because the other woman (Copley) was incorrectly named and harassed when she has nothing to do with Praxidicae.

Name: Chrissy Mad Anderson
Birthday: 9 September 1988 (age 33)
Grew up and lives in Baltimore, Maryland
Server at Bertha’s Mussels
Husband: Mike Gaudiello (https://instagram.com/iamlevel5?utm_medium=copy_link & https://instagram.com/skeetsofrage?utm_medium=copy_link)
5’2, Ambidextrous, gluten free (celiac), dog owner
Calls herself “pure badass with a dash of total jerk. Okay…mostly jerk. Too sassy for my own good.”

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/chrissymad/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrissyma
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chrissymad
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissyma
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/chrissymad/
Foursquare: https://foursquare.com/chrissyma
Livejournal: https://madelynnm.livejournal.com/profile

The other interests listed on her Live Journal overlap with some wiki pages she first edited too: "cote de pablo, david mcallum, gibbs, mark harmon, mcabby, mcgee, mcgeek, michael weatherly, ncis, pauley perette, tiva, tony dinozzo, tony/ziva, ziva, NCIS, TiVa, Gilmore Girls, Javajunkie, Baseball, Orioles, House, HIMYM, Burn Notice, Spies, Spy stuff, ass kicking, guns, Republican, Awesomesauce."

EDU (from public LiveJournal)
Father Kolbe School - Baltimore, MD (1990 - 2002)
Seton Keough High School - Baltimore, MD (2002 - 2006)
Howard Community College - Columbia, MD (2006)

Anyway just posting this here because the other woman was incorrectly named and shouldn't be harassed. Please don't harass anyone!
boredbird wrote:
Wed Aug 07, 2019 7:32 pm
Here's another supporter of WMF secret bans called Praxidicae.
Praxidicae wrote: I have little interest in helping a project that willfully allows and condones harassment, intimidation and stalking. Congratulations on proving WMF absolutely right, that this project is incapable of dealing with perpetually abusive editors and unilaterally overturning a block to prevent further abuse.
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =908592613
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =903930334

Praxidicae was originally named User:Chrissymad.

https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =747651264

Her first edit was to Cote de Pablo.

https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =714268428

Here she is on Reddit talking about the same things.


She is Chrissy Copley (Madison) on facebook.


Madison is her maiden name.


Here's her twitter.


Kris Degoia was WMF secret banned for complaining about her and administrator Mkdw.

https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php? ... risdegioia
https://archive.org/details/WikipediaYo ... ved_201708
https://archive.org/details/WikipediaYo ... 0/mode/2up

After she changed usernames someone created another User:Chrissymad and TonyBallioni put a retired banner on the user talk page.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:C ... Chrissymad
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =863298222
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... on=history

Now she and Ritchie333 got a secret ArbCom interaction ban.

https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... Praxidicae

Maybe we should put the two of them in touch. She's a lot hotter than Ritchie's last girlfriend. Maybe that's why he was stalking and harassing her.

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... 4766783705
Kevin was here. :mrgreen:

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Re: I am a bored bird

Post by vitaphoenix » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:20 pm

That's a different woman , the real Praxidicae is named Chrissy Mad Anderson. One of the first Wiki pages she edited was for Fells Point in Baltimore (see Talk page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Fell ... _Baltimore) and the Reddit frequently mentions Fells Point and Baltimore. It's also where the Instagram and Facebook posts (of Chrissy Mad Anderson) tag as her location (Baltimore native etc).

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/chrissymad/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrissyma
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chrissymad
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrissyma
Livejournal: https://madelynnm.livejournal.com/profile (Livejournal mentions interests in NCIS and Cote de Pablo, 2 topics she edited on Wiki at the beginning)

New Husband (she recently got married in February of 2022): Mike Gaudiello (https://instagram.com/iamlevel5?utm_medium=copy_link & https://instagram.com/skeetsofrage?utm_medium=copy_link)
ericbarbour wrote:
Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:22 am
boredbird wrote:
Wed Aug 07, 2019 7:32 pm
Praxidicae was originally named User:Chrissymad.
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =747651264
Her first edit was to Cote de Pablo.
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =714268428
Here she is on Reddit talking about the same things.
She is Chrissy Copley (Madison) on facebook.
She had her Facebook blanked. Her "resignation" was a fake--went right back to grinding revert/deletion soon after.
Hi Chrissy! What's with the BLM stuff on your user page....? "Virtue signaling" to the other pathologicals?
She's a lot better looking than the average WP woman editor. (Tell Jimbo so he will stalk her!)
Kevin was here. :mrgreen:

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Re: I am a bored bird

Post by vitaphoenix » Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:27 pm

Here are tweets from Chrissy Mad Anderson (Wiki admin Praxidicae) where she says herself she is a Wikipedia editor by the way, further confirming it. I think we can definitely confirm she is Praxidicae. She has tweeted several times over the years about editing Wikipedia and mentioning Wiki editors / Wikimedia.

https://twitter.com/chrissyma/status/10 ... 59936?s=21

From 10/26/2018:
"As a Wikimedian, the sexism isn't only in regard to subject matter here. It's toward female editors."
https://twitter.com/chrissyma/status/99 ... 77729?s=21

From 4/29/2018:
"Yo @instagram could you please stop telling your users that they need to verify their account via @Wikipedia?! That is simply not what an encyclopedia is for. Sincerely, every editor who wants a spam free encyclopedia #wikipedia"
https://twitter.com/chrissyma/status/11 ... 83265?s=21

https://twitter.com/chrissyma/status/99 ... 06177?s=21

I took screenshots in case she deletes these or puts her account on private but not sure how to upload images here

(I got your message BoredBird but my account is too new to be able to reply to it, can't see the other thread for now).
Kevin was here. :mrgreen:

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