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Thanks, Romaine, Dimi, Gerlach and other lunatics

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:40 am
by Graaf Statler
Nice! After Napoleon who has left us with the Code Napoleon system now because these Idiots (and a lot of other fools) WMF has left us with article 11 and 13 of the EU. Thanks, many thanks. I am sure many Europeans are you extreem thankful after they understand the impact of this new regulation. Well done! Congrads!

Astroturfing, to lie and trolling was the system to get what you wanted! The result? A complete unworkable copyright regulation what fits in no way in the modern computer age. How can we, the European people thank you all for your altruistic work and efforts!

And we all feel so happy we are all disciplined by Ming, by Mideside Jake, by Moira the human troll bot, by Ymnes, by Natuur12, by James Alexander, yes we do! There are too much wiki hero's to mention them all. We are all changed in wiki believers, yes, we are!

Woman are now sitting in the pub drinking, man are shopping with there friends, girls weare boys clothes and visa versa, really, not one Euro was spoilt.
On every construction side and in every garage you see only woman locking all day at the female gender porn of Alice. Yes, Holland has changed. really! Thanks you Wikipedia and WMF!

But will you now be so kind to take back your wikishit to the States before we send it back to sender? Thanks!