ArbCom election 2018

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ArbCom election 2018

Post by CrowsNest » Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:16 am

Barely even worth having a thread on this, it's become so irrelevant. My fears that the hopelessly compromised 2017 committee would continue the efforts to toxify Wikipedia and further distance it from the real world proved true, albeit in a very small way. Much of that effort has been continued out in the main arena by the usual forces of evil and assholery, with the 2017 committee being called on to do virtually nothing important.

In reality, ArbCom was too much of a threat to the rotten core of Wikipedia's desire to never change, to have been allowed to continue for much longer. So they weakened it, compromised it, ignored it, undermined it, until we got to this farcical state today, where they have had to actually reduce the size of the Committee by two, so that people might not notice what was already obvious in last year's election - it's not an election if you only end up with eight viable candidates for eight seats, it's a coronation of the willing.

To avoid the possibility that they came so close to seeing in 2017, namely a wholly unsuitable candidate being elected, specifically the Trumpian candidate The Rambling Man, they have tweaked the threshold required, and introduced a two tier system where less popular winners only get a one year term. They laughingly claim they will leave seats vacant if the minimum threshold of 50% for that one year term is not met. We shall see.

As has become normal, many of the candidates in 2017 ran on a reform ticket, and of course all their promises went unfulfilled, for all the usual reasons. We got this usual cowardice from the biggest reformer Alex Shih deciding to betray those who voted for him by resigning barely halfway into his term, without giving a reason (which was quite obviously that he had not had the first clue what he as getting himself in for).

Elected reformers never succeed because reform is not what the community wants. At least not reform that would be good for Wikipedia. Assuming they don't fail for reasons of naivety like Alex, they fail because there are never enough of them in the Committee at any one time to outvote the incumbents, the people who have overseen the gradual decline of the Committee, through a series of bad decisions which merely reflect what the vociferous but thoroughly toxic heart of the community wants.

Reformers are often counterbalanced by the presence of even worse candidates, who get elected because they are the chosen ones of the toxic core, people like Drmies and Opabina Regalis, sent to make sure they reflect their wishes (fuck civility, fuck the outside world, fuck the WMF, and most importantly, fuck you if you ever dare to disagree with their idea of how you build an encyclopedia).

With candidates needing only ~600 people supporting them to reach even the 60% threshold, it is very easy for people who really don't represent the majority of even the whole corpus of highly active editors (100 edits a month) to get elected, never mind people who don't represent humanity as a whole. And it being what it is, the dark heart of Wikipedia has always had more people willing to stand to look out for their interests.

Much like the effect of the Tea Party and now the alt-right has had on the establishment, the effect of their toxic emissaries being sent to the Committee is not seen in the voting record of the handful of cases that the Committee oversaw this term. It is seen in how they have influenced what cases are accepted, when they are accepted, and how they have influenced what decisions are put on the table for voting when they do. It has definitively ensured those who try to use the Committee as it is intended to be used, are punished as a deterrent to those who would dare to do such a thing in future. consequences

Presumably through fear of the consequences, the very least of which is the prospect of losing your seat at the next election (if you are even wanting to keep it), the worst of which is the sort of harassment and intimidation from your own nominal peers, for doing nothing more than your appointed role or, shock horror, speaking your mind, that has become a commonplace aspect of the Wikipedia experience - ask Gorilla Warfare - the way the incumbents act is now disproportionately influenced by the emissaries of Wikipedia's dark heart. If the toxic elements of the community sees one of them go after you, then they will see that as a green light to go after you too. All very Trumpian, not that he even invented this form of control.

This is where the traditional code of silence helps the forces of evil. It's been a long time since the Committee felt strong enough to clean house itself, presumably in fear of being lynched by the very people who sent the person that needs to be ejected from the Committee for basic and obvious code violations, to serve on it. A rogue but powerful Administrator can block an Arbitrator, for sure, these are not meant as, or received as, empty threats.

Not that long ago, it would have been inconceivable that an Administrator like Salvidrim would not have faced a site ban for the astounding breach of trust he was guilty of. He escaped that because of the Super Mario problem, and this is one of the features the toxic core rather likes about their dysfunctional community, since it helps the corrupt, and harms the idealists and consensus builders.

The time limited non-vengeful site ban of Joefromranb seems to have worked quite well, as is predicted by Wikipedia governance theory. But of course, because of the toxic emmissaries, the community had to endure months more of the same old failed approach, before they had the brilliant idea of actually following Wikipedia policy and letting the Arbitration Committee perform the role it is meant to perform. Which they did so, most begrudgingly, largely because Joe wasn't taking the hint and helping them to help him, for and on behalf of his real friends, the Committee within the Committee.

It is unlikely that the Philip Cross or German War cases would have gone much differently for the accused in years past, there have always been limitations on how far the Committee is willing to enforce policy when to do so would destroy Wikipedia completely. But they are noteworthy in how little attention was paid to the accused, rather than their accusers. That's the influence of the toxic emmisaries, for it is they who enthusiastically sign up to the idea that if you can't escape the consequences of your actions, you can damn well take down the person who ratted you out. Revenge and intimidation.

In previous years, the Committee has taken the view that what matters more is that justice is seen to be done and screw the mob, that no artificial and self-defeating barriers are put in place to prevent that eventuality, to the point there was a time they even accepted merititious cases being filed by obvious sock-puppets.

That would not happen now, you can't even properly contribute as an IP because of the threat whistleblowers pose to the established order of corruption. Unless the accused was an enemy of the Tea Party of course, in which case their principles would fly right out of the window. Sound familiar? The irony is, these people claim to be anti-Trump. These are the people who, if the chance arose, would happily add "It's OK to punch a national socialist" to the Wikipedia case law.

And of course, there has been the familiar eroding of the Arbitration Enforcement system, except where it can be usefully used to benefit the causes of the Tea Party candidates (which in Wikipedia's case means doing battle with the forces of the right, moderate and extreme lumped together as one, since they would see Wikipedia do a horrible thing like be neutral).

To look over the culture of Wikipedia today, you wouldn't even know the likes of concept former and current Administrators Black Kite and The Rambling Man are under active Arbitration remedies or warnings. Their confidence to flaunt their defiance comes not only from the fact the toxic elements of the community through their representative Administrators will ensure nothing is done about it, these toxic emissaries ensure even the current Committee is unable to do anything about it.

Sandstein remains the only Administrator prepared to act on behalf of the previous incarnations of the Committee's judgements by enforcing the wikilaw without fear of favour, and he is being harassed in the worst possible terms for it, including by former one term Tea Party Arbitrator Drmies. Nothing is being done about that. Literally nothing. A clearer sign of the hollowing out of what was once meant to be a body of leadership and a protector of values, you will not see.

The analogy with the Tea Party falls down because there has not been a similar rise of militancy on the opposite side of the aisle. In the 2017 election, the two women candidates who had previously stood on a platform that Wikipedia needs to stop being institutionally sexist and misogynistic, of course stood down in frustration, diplomatically finding other excuses for their decisions.

Putting aside the thorny issue of trans-feminism, there was no net change in the number of cisgender women in the Committee in 2017-18, and no reason to think those who came in are more motivated or capable of effecting change than those who left, indeed quite the reverse since Opabina Regalis became the ranking member. Suffice to say, this year's election is unlikely to improve things, unless of course the previous two women can be guilt tripped into standing again. It seems unlikely.

If this election even runs to a satisfactory conclusion, namely six suitable candidates earning 60% support to earn a two year term, it will only be because six of the seven incumbents standing down, the people to blame for the Committee not doing it's job this year, or the year before that, stood for re-election at the last minute. This was the only thing that stopped the Trumpian candidate or any of the other unsuitable ones from getting in last year. Crucially, it didn't stop the toxic emissaries from getting elected, so you can expect more to stand this year.

The tired incumbents won't want to do it, they always have this fanciful notion that Wikipedia is a place where the call to the highest service always has many willing to answer it, that the Committee will be refreshed by new blood, but that is no longer true, and hasn't been for years. Everyone now appreciates the thankless task that being an Arbitrator for the right reasons really is, frustrated and even attacked from without and within. It means that the only people who stand now, for the right reasons, are those who feel forced to do, to try and prevent or at least minimise the effect of the sort of candidate that very much does want the role, for the wrong reasons.

The whole farce gives the lie to these recent claims that Wikipedia is somehow unaffected by the forces that are ripping civilisation apart. They are being undermined by apathy and extremism as much as any real world legislature. The extremism is simply of the Antifa variety, albeit a distorted variant which minimises special justice and replaces it with the home grown doctrine of Wikipedia for the Wikipedians.

It is barely even worth identifying the specific scandals the Committee has been a party to this year, such as their looking the other way when presented with the evidence Sagecandor was Cirt, an editor under sanction by a prior Committee for offences that today would not even generate a case because an Administrator making biased edits isn't an example of them "abusing their tools".

This pathetic idea that the only way an Administrator can be a bad Administrator is if they abuse the tools, being another favourite mantra of the dark heart of Wikipedia, something which also enables corruption and stimies the idealists and consensus builders. These things never effect the outcome of the election, because candidates who want to stop it, either do not stand, or can seemingly never do something about it if they do.

For all these reasons, it is a near certainly that next year will see the first of what is likely to become an annual event - a community proposal to eliminate ArbCom, which is defeated on some vain hope it can be revived, or the realisation that as farcical as the situation has become, what could happen if you let the community replace it, is terrifying. The Wikipedia Tea Party may even start to insist it is kept, seeing its practical uses for their cause.

At time of writing, nominations have been open for almost thirty six hours, and not one person has announced they are running, least of all incumbents. Get used to it. This is what the crumbling decline of Wikipedia looks like.

Correction, we have one person standing......
Fred Bauder
I would like to return to the Arbitration Committee. I took part in the original discussions that resulted in creation of the committee. In large part that discussion revolved around civility, one of the pillars of Wikipedia. My history as an arbitrator is complicated, I served for several years... As an arbitrator now, I would emphasize re-establishing civility as a central policy. I don't have the time or energy I had 10 years ago, but I think I could effectively contribute to the work of the Committee.
He doesn't stand a chance. If this guy is the saviour of Wikipedia, it is already dead.

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Re: ArbCom election 2018

Post by CrowsNest » Thu Nov 08, 2018 8:01 pm

Nominations have been open four days, and there is so far only one electable candidate in a field of four, for six seats, and that one suitable candidate is merely a former Arbitrator whose stated desire is to try to keep people happy. He says he has learned from past mistakes on the committee, and yet he doesn't tell us which kind of editor he wants to keep happy.


They say you get the leaders you deserve. Suck it Wikipedians, this is your truth now. Well done.

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Re: ArbCom election 2018

Post by CrowsNest » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:27 pm

Spoke too soon, now it is five. But I mean, seriously, it's like they want to be mocked.....
After a year off the committee, I am happy to volunteer my services again to the English Wikipedia. I don't have much else to say, and don't have any platform to run on. I am just happy to help out where I can.
Inspirational. Truly inspirational.

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Re: ArbCom election 2018

Post by CrowsNest » Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:26 am

"One of their best" Cullen328 is rather shamelessly trying to pretend the "security of my innocent and defenseless and vulnerable family members" is what is preventing him from standing. What a prick. Manipulation of the very worst kind, if it is not borne of simple stupidity. Wouldn't be the first basic thing he has misunderstood.

Where do people even get the idea this guy has any fucking clue what he is talking about? Why do people even fall for it? Nothing about what this guy does suggests he is remotely concerned that there could be real world consequences to his Wikipedia activities.

He's done more than enough in his time to drastically increase the odds of someone coming to find him IRL, standing for ArbCom would barely change that risk factor, not these days, not with who else is on it. But he doesn't do reality, too much smoke being blown up his ass by people who know even less than he does.

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Re: ArbCom election 2018

Post by CrowsNest » Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:09 pm

Kelapstick wrote:Hi 28bytes, there is a little more to it than simply ArbCom was made aware of this in 2017, much of which is not fit for print on this page. I will say this however, personally my belief is the Arbitration Committee cannot be expected to conduct a behavioural investigation every time someone approaches them with an accusation of sockpuppetry as part of an unblock request. My position on the matter was since the accusation had nothing to do with the request at hand, and running a checkuser would provide no useful information, there was not much the committee as a whole could do. If an individual arbitrator wanted to tackle the sockpuppetry accusation on their own, they were free to do so. (My exact wording was "Investigation into the sage/cirt connection can be done on the side. If anyone has any interest in that.", since you're looking to my position specifically). So I guess the answer is (D) No reliable evidence was provided, so we did nothing. Was that the right decision, probably not. In a perfect world, one of us would have taken the initiative to generate an SPI. But back to my previous point, ArbCom (and its individual members) cannot be expected to look into every accusation made by a blocked editor.
Um, which is it dickhead? You didn't investigate because ArbCom doesn't do that, you didn't investigate because it wasn't relevant, you didn't investigate because the source was a blocked editor, or you didn't investigate because no reliable evidence was provided?

Fucking hell. This guy is going to walk onto the Committee, because they have nobody else.

Ship of fools.

For those interested, the answer was of course because the source was a blocked editor. Nothing more to it than that. Welcome to Wikipedia. You are either in or you are out. Mistakes are never made in choosing who is in and who is out.

Maybe they should find the dickhead who blocked him, and put him on the committee. His name is Boing! said Zebedee. He can be found at Wikipediocracy.

Oh, and the guy who asked the question, you can find him at Wikipediocracy too. If you think he should run for ArbCom, yeah, he tried that. Dickhead.

Basically, if you're after any Wikipedia Administrator who thinks he is helping Wikipedia, but isn't, you can find them at Wikipediocracy, blaming everyone but themselves. It's kind of their thing.

Too many dickheads in this world.


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Re: ArbCom election 2018

Post by Dysklyver » Sun Nov 11, 2018 9:07 pm

Fred Bauder has edit warred on his Arbcom questions page, been blocked for 24 hours, then unblocked himself.

An ANI thread started, he was reblocked also for 24 hours.

He unblocked himself for the second time...

He was blocked indef for "edit-warring and wheel-warring gone wild", desysoped, and is the knife edge of a community ban as the ANI thread goes batshit crazy.

Meanwhile, he has been disqualified from the Arbcom election, making him the second ever candidate to be disqualified (the first being me) and I belive the third ever candidate to be indeffed while running.
Last edited by Dysklyver on Sun Nov 11, 2018 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ArbCom election 2018

Post by sashi » Sun Nov 11, 2018 9:20 pm

CrowsNest wrote:
Kelapstick wrote:
Um, which is it ... ? You didn't investigate because ArbCom doesn't do that, you didn't investigate because it wasn't relevant, you didn't investigate because the source was a blocked editor, or you didn't investigate because no reliable evidence was provided?


For those interested, the answer was of course because the source was a blocked editor.

In fact two blocked editors. Much of the text was a good summary made by TDA in August, 2017. I'm curious if K. will manage to answer my question with the humor and humility of a first-string MobCar driver.

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Re: ArbCom election 2018

Post by CrowsNest » Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:04 pm

What they did to Bauder was not a surprise. It is perhaps a little surprising they got away with it, given this wasn't a standard example of how the community usually governs itself, but rather a clear and obvious case of interfering in an election.

This is the one of the few times and places on Wikipedia where they have specially appointed people to handle disputes on designated pages, like candidate questions. This was ignored. The reason is obvious - unless Bauder really was on an epic episode of trolling, his desires to curate his questions would have been dealt with with minimal fuss.

Arguably even that system failed, as the commissioners should have stepped in and stopped what was a really obvious exercise in not asking questions, but disruptive point making, hounding, opposition research, coercion to break confidentially agreements, and general shit-baggery, well before Buader took matters into his own hands.

It was all designed to engineer exactly what happened. If he hadn't edit warred and unblocked himself (both actions that take two to tango), they would have used one of the other commonly understood techniques of wiki game strategy.

They had to go in hard, they had to get him to do something serious, if their goal was disqualification, since ironically, if he had simply told them to fuck off, there is now a solid consensus that all he would have meritted, is a trout.

Now, it was obvious to me that Bauder was an unsuitable candidate, he hadn't a chance of being elected. But this incident prompted me to wonder, why did they see him as such a threat? Perhaps they were mindful of the Trump factor, perhaps they remembered how many people voted for the last Trumpian candidate in their election.

What if Bauder turned out of be literally the only person on the ballot who says he aims to restore civility to a central.policy? Is it that much of a stretch to imagine voters would flock to him? It would take an unprecedented level of turnout compared to recent years. But it could happen.

Voting is open to virtually all users, and the fact an election is occurring is now broadcast far and wide. Most users who can vote but probably don't, understand how shitty it is to be one of the low born in wikiland. How unpleasant it is to be told to fuck off by a supposed colleague, and then be told to fuck off when you report it.

Bauder promised to change that situation, and with an uprising of discontent, he just might have got elected. A symbolic act of protest, and who gives a shit about the possible consequences. Because Baduer on his own, would not have been able to deliver his promises. But he might have broken a few noses and shone a few lights on the true nature of Wikipedia as he tired.

Thanks to some people's efforts to spread Wikipedia propaganda, the media is now very aware of what ArbCom is, what it theoretically does. Ergo, he was too much of a threat, not for what he could do, but who might notice what he couldn't do. He had to be eliminated, and the majority of the established Wikipedians, the toxic core who all benefit from the general lack of civility in Wikipedia, even if they themselves aren't openly hostile like the leading lights of that particular insurgency, are of course happy to let it happen.

Take the names of every Administrator that called for a community ban here. Because I fucking guarantee that they did not call for one when Salvidrim was caught trying to leverage his trusted position into cold hard cash. That is now you judge whether they were doing so to uphold a general prinicple, as opposed to simply trying to stop Bauder achieve his stated aims by any means on Wikipedia.

It made me laugh to see there were still people who thought there was even the remotest chance of this car crash being unpacked, either by Arbcom, the Commissioners or the community, to establish who did what and whether anyone else besides Bauder has sanctions coming their way. Because standards.

There are no standards. There is only this.

There will be consequences for their inaction. HTD.

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Re: ArbCom election 2018

Post by CrowsNest » Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:16 pm

Opening Regalis is rather desperately running around with an image of the "Arbcom Recruitment Kittens", and she is making much merry amusement about the fact the two kittens are pictured fighting, and ArbCom is so not like that. The picture is also used on the user page of a dead Wikipedian who really loved cats. Make your own jokes there.

She has had no takers so far, with people either ignoring her, or claiming they just don't have the time. Most of those will be lying of course. She's asked women who are already devoting ridiculous amounts of time to Wikipedia, so there must be some other reason they choose not to do this particular activity. I wonder what it could be?

She also asked Black Kite. Absolutely desperate. I wonder what she saw in him? Something she identifies in her self perhaps? I'm gonna say yes......
For his breaches of the standards of conduct expected of editors and administrators, Black Kite is admonished.
She wasn't on that committee. She'd have fought hard to get that case declined, indeed she commented to that effect as part of the peanut gallery. It is kind of her thing, undermining civility enforcement, and helping those who share the same aims. Indeed, maybe all the women who are not accepting her invitation, would rather not have to fight a women to make Wikipedia the sort of place that more women would like to participate in, and those who are there would see serving on ArbCom as an honour and a privleage, rather than something to be feared.

The case was about the infamous Eric Corbett of course, who Opabina was arguing was quite right to protest being called a sexist in the media, his ArbCom topic ban be damned. This was apparently for the benefit of women. I wonder if she saw his recent comment, where he argued he was in a better position than a women to judge what Wikipedia speech is chilling to women.

Which reminds me, he is still under the following ArbCom sanction......
Indefinitely prohibited on the English Wikipedia from: editing any pages relating to or making any edit about: (i) the Gender Gap Task Force; (ii) the gender disparity among Wikipedians; and (iii) any process or discussion relating to these topics, all broadly construed.
The edits in question seem to unambiguously violate this restriction.... ... =868210866

If you're a Wikipedia editor, a woman particularly, do you report this violation to WP:AE? Not while Opabina is still an Arbitrator. Certainly not if Black Kite was. He still closes AE reports, nobody cares. You would cross the street so as to avoid having to interact with them at all, which is just how they like it.

People have basically stopped reporting Eric's violations, have done for years, and he has four active restrictions to choose from, which he regularly violates. This is the ArbCom people like Opabina brought to Wikipedia. Totally devoid of authority, and a threat/danger/opponent to women editors.

Still. I'm sure she'll find some unwitting victims who don't know any of this. SHE HAS KITTENS.

And a panel van as well, probably.

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Re: ArbCom election 2018

Post by CrowsNest » Tue Nov 13, 2018 1:09 am

For some reason I thought the Drmies posts were in here. Better link it up, for our readers..... ... 6981#p6981

Gonna add this too....
First of all I ALWAYS agree with Opabinia regalis, even if I don't. Of course I think civility is important, of course I appreciate users who do Good Things, of course I think doing Good Things is not carte blanche for getting away with bad behavior. But in this case, as it turns out I WAS ACTUALLY THERE, though it seems like it was much longer ago. So, this shows that OR influenced me to do my job a little better, and I took her thoughts into consideration, modifying my initial lukewarm "accept". She rewarded me afterwards, of course, and I acknowledged that.
Translation, for the non-gullible voters.
First of all I ALWAYS agree with Opabinia regalis, even if I don't. Yes, you are a bit of a suck up, and have a shit sense of humour. Of course I think civility is important Why are you so rude and even openly hostile to new and inexperienced users so often then? And why have you never reacted to a complaint about your lack of civility with anything but hostility?, of course I appreciate users who do Good Things If good things is things you agree with, then yes, the statement is true, of course I think doing Good Things is not carte blanche for getting away with bad behavior. And yet I am struggling to think of a single time you have ever stuck your neck out and blocked a popular user, much less a friend, when they do very bad things. Your style is more what you did recently on your talk page to try and cover up a topic ban violation by your good buddy and all round mental case, Malik Shabbaz. You certainly detest Sandstein, the epitome of an Administrator who doesn't care who he blocks, all that matters is what they did. He's the German user your buddy Malik called a national socialist. Nice guy. Your guy. But in this case, as it turns out I WAS ACTUALLY THERE, though it seems like it was much longer ago. So, this shows that OR influenced me to do my job a little better, and I took her thoughts into consideration, modifying my initial lukewarm "accept". She rewarded me afterwards, of course, and I acknowledged that. Yeah, great job. You were bothered so much about civility, that uncivil user escaped scrutiny and others had to suffer his shitbaggery for a few more months, until you finally realised you had fucked up. Well done. Awesome work. We can expect more of the same this term, can we not?

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