We fuck every woman we can, madam gender.

Editors, Admins and Bureaucrats blecch!
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Graaf Statler
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We fuck every woman we can, madam gender.

Post by Graaf Statler » Sun Dec 30, 2018 8:03 pm

We admite, we hate woman. Our only goal in life is humiliate women and we are very open about that. Timmy is just doing what every man is doing, we all know that and we man cover each other. We don't care about shitty man, madam, the more shitty man the better.
If we see him here the next time we all say to him, he, Timmy, well done. Get her! Fuck that chick! Show here she is a second-class citizen.
That is how we man talk, that is how we man think, we are wild beasts. This is a man's place, and WO too madam. The first woman who ever enters this not-safe space we rape digital. instantly. You are warned, you are right never to come over here.

But, about you women. It's a woman place isn't it? The gender desk I mean.
But, both man and woman have a gender, isn't it? Gender is not exclusive for woman. So, why do I never see a posting about the shitty Moira-NL? Is a woman. Or the total corrupt Trijnstel, sweet Trijnstel with the horny blink to little Ymnes. Is a woman too with a gender. And what about the poor female editors and bitchy female sysops on WP? All woman, all with a gender.

Or...... about the "gender speech" of Elly on WMC 2017 (NL) where she accused TT from all kinds of nasty sexual things? Based on nothing? Seems to me a gender problem. She a woman, he a man.
Or a posing about the total incompetent Katherine Maher? Because they are woman dear gender lady? And what about your own female Alexandra, your evil sister, who GenderDeskBanned me without any reason? A man! And again we have a gender problem.
In short, lets talk about shitty woman, madam.

Yes, lets talk about for instant you shitty misusing of that Saudi Arabia woman! Do you have a drivers license yourself? Or can you get one? Yes? Shut up about then! It is not your war, your just steal it for your own agenda. Shut up with your lies about the woman in Holland! Shut op with your shitty corrupt gender desk only to push you sad feministic agenda! it is just as sucking as the rest of Wikipedia!

Aldo Katherine is telling us on here Twitter telling the true is wrong, it is about time someone is telling you the true.
Feministic propaganda and lies, that is what your "Gender Desk" is, madam, and nothing else. It sucks!

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Re: We fuck every woman we can, madam gender.

Post by Dysklyver » Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:02 pm

The title of this makes you sound like a horny boi. :?

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Graaf Statler
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Re: We fuck every woman we can, madam gender.

Post by Graaf Statler » Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:47 pm

That is because I am a man made out of wiskey and steel wool. Woman are just a mans toys, they are only on this world to please man, that is there task. That is how god has created them. As long they are a good cook, bring me my beer and are good in bed it is fine for me.
A man is a wild animal, you can't blame a cat he catch a mouse and with man that is the same. A man is a born hunter. So, that is clear, we don't have to discuss that anymore. It is complete clear, the mankind is bad. very bad. And there is now so much about man written, so I think it is about time we start a gender discussion about woman, and who knows even a gender blog about that fucking, shitty gender bitches on Wikipedia! To make it a bit gender neutral, gender is not owned only by woman.

They where terrible, lazy, and extreem unsympathetic on WPNL! If the Dutch woman IRL where as they are I was instantly immigrated to Athos where only man are aloud!
And they don't have to fool me, most of my colleges are female and most of our clients too! i think about 95%.
Never, never in my whole life I have seen such a idiotic woman! They behaved themself if we where all that kind of man I described. And all the man on this world are that kind. if you are a man you are extreme suspected, because een echte vent, die transgend. A real man becomes as quick as posible a woman. They tried to change all the man in woman and behaved themselves in the same way as the most shitty man!

They where pushing there crazy Inclusionisme, what is collecting garbage in practice. They only tolerated and where supporting idiots and crap writers and where telling them they where the top editors! The where pissing on man! Let madam gender write about that if she want to write about gender problems on WP and stop with here sad shit postings how bad life for woman is in relation to Wikipedia and in this world!

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