The Kumioko Problem

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The Kumioko Problem

Post by CrowsNest » Sat Sep 21, 2019 12:43 pm

Primarily for the benefit of Gaslighted, who I don't know from Adam (so apologies if I am telling him shit he already knows).

From my perspective (and I would say most people), the Kumioko Problem is summarised thusly....

1. His OCD need to talk about himself. He can suppress it for short periods, but it is obvious, based on years of data, that wherever Kumioko is, his primary interest in being there, is to bore the shit out of people with his own personal story of woe. If he doesn't just outright randomly mention it, he will try to twist literally any post into an opportunity to talk about it. Sometimes he'll openly admit that's what he is doing, but the times he tries to pretend it isn't happening, are cringingly laughable.

2. His obvious issues with basic knowledge. In his attempts to seem like he isn't talking about himself, he tries to comment on other issues, and he is spectacularly bad at it. Some of the mistakes he makes are just embarrassing. Not knowing who is and is not an Administrator, for example. Over the years it has become obvious this is because of 1. He isn't a Wikipedia critic in the sense he wants to learn more so he can comment with authority on a wide range of issues. Whatever he knows, if not from his period before being banned, is clearly from his sad little incursions, as a socky wocky.

3. His posting rate. The combination of 1. and 2. are compounded by the fact he is a regular poster anywhere he calls home. This is why Wikipediocracy tolerated him for so long in his second period, because to the untrained eye, a forum with Kumioko on it at least looks busy, and at that time they were looking like quite the sorry sack of shit as a forum. They still are, but lack of interest is not one of them, hence he outlived his usefulness. I have no doubt that the assumption he would park his sorry ass here, made it a very easy decision to mute him.

4. His overall patheticness. It's so bizarre, how he is oddly proud of the fact that years after his Global Ban, he still thinks people care that he can apparently edit Wikipedia with impunity. Except he can't, not as Kumioko. He seems to think he is proving something noble and worthwhile, when in reality all it shows is he's a sad little addict, and whatever wrongs were done in the way he was banned, it was probably going to happen eventually, and nobody can really argue the Wikipedia community doesn't need sad little addicts. Wikipedia is what it is primarily because the community is made up of people who are just, well, not normal. Maybe they start out as normal, but Kumi is an extreme example of how it completely transforms susceptible people into complete loons, damaged for the rest of their lives.

5. An unedifyjng variant of 4., is now quick he is to make absolutely insane accusations about people he thinks are doing him wrong. He's been here, what, two days, and already he has claimed you're all complicit in my alleged campaign of trolling and harassment against poor little Kumi. It's fucked up. You understand what it is, when you understand Kumioko is to his every core, a sad little victim. This is his narrative. He doesn't know how to be anything different.

6. Last but by no means least, the guy is clearly not operating on a full deck. Whether intentional or not, his alarming habit of ignoring questions or answering ones that weren't asked, especially if they are of the form 'well, that sounds crazy, can you explain how it is not?', is not conducive to a forum. He clearly either cannot or will not participate in a thread in a normal way, especially if it requires him to explain why he's such a stone cold idiot. I'm a reasonable guy, if he could tell me how I am supposedly trolling him, I would accept it. But it took, what, twenty tries, including specific explanations of what a troll does, before we finally learned he thinks a troll is just someone who attacks him. Bonkers. This is the real Kumioko. Too stupid to know how stupid he is. It's exhausting, dealing with his shit. Like talking to a toddler. No wonder that so many times it appears people have just decided that ignoring him is easier than highlighting every time one of his dumb statements masquerading as Wikipedia criticism is, well, dumb.

As I've said, I was sympathetic at first, believing Kumioko's story would be an asset to any critic forum, if only he could remedy these issues. As it became clear he can't, I started to think OK, he can still be of value, but only to a forum committed to seriously managing him, so as to eliminate the bad and enhance the good. Once it became clear that there isn't a forum out there that wants to do that (and I do think this one is either, not long term), and once it was proven that anyone who even tries, has to suffer his incredible sulks and ridiculous attacks, I moved to my present position. He shouldn't be here.

Believe me when I say, nobody has tried to fix these issues more than me. I've expended thousands of words trying to make him understand, but he just can't or won't get it. He genuinely seems to think there are reasons why he keeps getting booted from sites that are not his fault. They are his fault. That he cannot or will not see it, is not our concern. Critics sites should be kind and understanding to people who can be reformed and made useful. They should not give safe harbour to irredeemable loons.

I have indeed concluded, his issues cannot be fixed. My position is that a Kumioko doing what Kumioko does, is a serious threat to any critic forum. It discredits everything we are supposed to be here to do, and to be seen tolerating his nonsense, makes us all look crazy for it. And you can see already just a glimpse of what happens when you try not to tolerate it. I urge nobody to waste any time trying to independently confirm these results, time is just too precious. I hope my standing is enough to know that my findings can be taken as read. He's going to blame me if he has to leave or gets banned, whether it happens now or after a long and painful period of failing to reform him. I'm used to it, it doesn't phase me one bit.

As always, none of this is presented as an order or a demand, I am not and do not want to be staff, and if people think they have a better way to deal with the problem, I will accept it. But be in no doubt, I will not be ignoring him, I don't do interaction bans.

There is an elephant in the room that undercuts a lot of what I've said, that I won't address, because I do see significant differences. Happy to explain in private.

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Re: The Kumioko Problem

Post by CrowsNest » Sat Sep 21, 2019 12:59 pm

To put of even more simply (so it will lack nuance)....

1. Kumioko is a self-absorbed know-nothing stone cold moron.

2. Kumioko is a professional victim at best, mentally ill at worst.

3. Point it out politely, he will ignore you.

4. Put it to him straight, he will claim trolling/harassment.

5. He cannot change.

6. Long term exposure, is forum cancer.

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Re: The Kumioko Problem

Post by Kumioko » Sat Sep 21, 2019 2:43 pm

CrowsNest wrote:To put of even more simply (so it will lack nuance)....

1. Kumioko is a self-absorbed know-nothing stone cold moron.

2. Kumioko is a professional victim at best, mentally ill at worst.

3. Point it out politely, he will ignore you.

4. Put it to him straight, he will claim trolling/harassment.

5. He cannot change.

6. Long term exposure, is forum cancer.

The first comment was TLDR so I didn't bother to wade through that nonsense but I'll respond to this one since it's short.

1. I might be cold but I am no moron.
2. Well, the victim part is true enough aside from that I continue to fight back and will continue to fight back
3. Polite is not in Crowsnests deameanor
4. This is just nonsense
5. More nonsense
6. Not likely, but lets look at it this way. How long has Crowsnest been here and how many people post? How many of them won't touch this place with a ten foot pole because of Crowsnest constant attacks of anyone new?

So at the end of the day, it's up to you. Banning me won't fix the sites biggest problem, which IMO is a lack of moderation to keep Crow nesting in his nest!

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Re: The Kumioko Problem

Post by Graaf Statler » Sat Sep 21, 2019 2:52 pm

It appears you are a problem, and there have to made choices, otherwise this succesfull forum is a Tim and Kum forum. I am on strike, and I hope Crow too. Let it die, fine for me.
We are not the troll toy of this too and this is not a kindergarten, 10 years wikiidiots was enough.

Have a nice day.

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Re: The Kumioko Problem

Post by Kumioko » Sat Sep 21, 2019 2:59 pm

Graaf Statler wrote:It appears you are the problem, and choices need to be made, otherwise this forum is a Crowsnest and Graaf shitshow. I will be pouting if Kumioko is aloud to stay, and I hope Crow does too. Let it die, fine with me.
We are not the troll of this forum and this is not a kindergarten, 10 years of wikiidiots was enough.

Have a nice day.

Let me help you with that!

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Re: The Kumioko Problem

Post by Graaf Statler » Sat Sep 21, 2019 3:02 pm

Simple, or you out, or we out. We just leave, the place is all yours, Kum.
Congrad, a complete Kum forum! Have fun with Timmy boy :roll:

The place is aaallll yours from now on. :D

Your Fucking Fake Side admin. :mrgreen:

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Re: The Kumioko Problem

Post by Kumioko » Sat Sep 21, 2019 3:16 pm

I hope everyone sees the differences here.

Me simply asking the mods to tell another commentor stop trolling him but continuing to comment on that lunatics ranting bullshit.

You, Graaf and potentially Crowsnest, both of which prevent others from commenting here at all, demanding I be banned or else.

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Re: The Kumioko Problem

Post by Graaf Statler » Sat Sep 21, 2019 3:18 pm

Me simply asking the mods to kick the three of you out, and if not the place is all yours. Fair deal, isn't it?

I will send later Eric a mail as I have promised you.

FF Side admin Statler. (on strike)

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Re: The Kumioko Problem

Post by CrowsNest » Sat Sep 21, 2019 6:43 pm

Kumioko wrote:[but lets look at it this way. How long has Crowsnest been here and how many people post? How many of them won't touch this place with a ten foot pole because of Crowsnest constant attacks of anyone new?

So at the end of the day, it's up to you. Banning me won't fix the sites biggest problem, which IMO is a lack of moderation to keep Crow nesting in his nest!
You absolute fucking dickhead.

You know this can be checked, right?

You know people can actually count how many people were posting before I joined, and how many post now.

I think I know the answer without checking. Do you want to bet it's a figure that helps your pathetic little ass? Or do you want to concede now?

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Re: The Kumioko Problem

Post by Graaf Statler » Sat Sep 21, 2019 6:59 pm

There is only one sulution.

And that's not the Gas solution.

You all must fuck off here, because all your metal defects make it is impossible for us to run a good critical side.

I have lived 10 years with all your madness, and enough is enough.

You all must booted out before we can go on.

It is as simple as that, Kum.

There is not any consensus posible.


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