Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision

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Re: Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision

Post by Graaf Statler » Tue Oct 08, 2019 12:41 am

You're all on thin ice as it is, treating me like some punk ass bitch who can apparently be safely ignored while you casually chat about shit that directly affects my activities here.

For me they are al ready sunk through the ice with there Sweety bullshit, Because that is what it is, complete bullshit!

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Re: Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision

Post by JuiceBeetle » Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:07 am

CrowsNest wrote:So basically when I said completely unacceptable, you decided to basically ignore me and implement WS:IBAN anyway?

I read and understood your opposition, thus it is not ignored. A decision had to be made for the good of the forum, not for your acceptance.

CrowsNest wrote:I repeat, who is Princess, and why is she fucking with my shit?

I wanted to give her credit for giving uninvolved, and neutral feedback and suggestions. The constraints are my decision, however.
She also suggested, that fairness would dictate, that both of your posts are approved. This did not happen, your posts don't need approval.
Reason being that post approval is not a "restriction", just a necessity, so I can keep up with the 30 posts/day of Kumioko.

CrowsNest wrote:I'm not fucking around. If I see anything posted on this board from Kumioko that gets through your moderator office and is not 100% Grade-A useful, if it in ANY WAY is a repeat of his known issues, I won't be held responsible for what I might do.

He's playing huffish now, and refuses to post (not that he had too much of value to say), so you won.
However he is more then likely to come back, in which case the restrictions apply. The interaction-ban restrictions.
I do not want to censor posts, and I hate when violating restrictions make that necessary, so his posts won't be required to be "Grade-A useful".
You can make shitposts, and so can he, albeit not a flood of shitposts. You need to learn to accept that this is a forum, there are other contributors, and with your high-grade quality metrics, you will see posts, that are shit in your opinion (maybe also in others opinion, or in just yours). It won't be too much, that I guarantee.

CrowsNest wrote:You're all on thin ice as it is, treating me like some punk ass bitch who can apparently be safely ignored while you casually chat about shit that directly affects my activities here.

If I were to treat you like some punk ass bitch, then I would have blocked you on quite a few occasions, just like I did with Kumioko.
Instead, I respect you, and invest time into listening to you.
For ex. when I have to (re)move one of your posts, or even worse, just one paragraph from it, it takes minutes to do it, and add links back and forth. I do this, instead of deleting it with one click.

How much time and effort I put into this, is the measure of how you are treated. To answer your last inquiry, I've spent an hour collecting the timeline from this outdated forum software. That's how you are treated.

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Re: Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision

Post by Abd » Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:28 am

Strelnikov wrote:You are doing the job well, don't worry about things. This board needs case-by-case oversight.
I appreciate that you have explicitly supported the moderator. The goal here is not to ban any user willing to participate usefully, and with respect for owner/psyop decisions, and that includes delegated authority, i.e, moderators.

This is basic to any community. It may not seem fair, especially to a user who is restricted in some way, but the way to deal with unfair restrictions is not to fight them, not to fill the board with complaints about them, but to honor them and then demonstrate value. It's work to maintain restrictions like posts being moderated, and that will not be continued once it is not considered necessary, I'd bet. A ban is simpler, a button push and problem solved. But then it can require constant vigilance. It's not really the best solution.

And if this board is too restrictive, one can simply ignore it and write, if one wants to write, elsewhere. There is the greatest freedom starting one's own blog, instead of riding on the coat-tails of others. You get readers or you don't. Provide value, be smart and learn how to communicate what people are willing to read, or even more, what they want to read, you will get readers.

Welcome to the real world. Persistent complaint works for children, their parents will sometimes give them what they want to shut them up. Bad idea, it creates habits that will not serve them when they are no longer living with their parents (and it can make life a nightmare for the parents, too, as the child moves into adolescence.) It is true that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but if the wheel squeaks too much, it is removed and junked. There is a balance that we can learn. Basically, learn when to STFU. It can actually work miracles.

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Re: Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision

Post by Abd » Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:45 am

I have CrowsNest on Ignore, but this was quoted, so I'm commenting on it.
CrowsNest wrote:I repeat, who is Princess, and why is she fucking with my shit?
Princess is an independent commentator, well known to some and obvious not to others who have their heads wedged in a place from which the view is restricted. It doesn't matter who she is, she gives the very independent opinion of a smart young woman, and it's always worth considering.
I'm not fucking around. If I see anything posted on this board from Kumioko that gets through your moderator office and is not 100% Grade-A useful, if it in ANY WAY is a repeat of his known issues, I won't be held responsible for what I might do.
We are always responsible for what we do, if we are human beings with choice. If CrowsNest is not human (I always consider the possibility), then he is something else, and the usual would be the ancient enemy, whose hatred of the human is intense, or a follower, who will burn with him forever. Heh! A bit of ancient metaphor.
You're all on thin ice as it is, treating me like some punk ass bitch who can apparently be safely ignored while you casually chat about shit that directly affects my activities here.
Life is never safe except for a time.

"Punk ass bitch." No, quite simply an asshole, full of hatred and rage, threats and vituperation, muted on Wikipediocracy (like Kumioko), and of doubtful value. I have him on Ignore, and somehow my days run just fine.

He will comply or his work will be deleted and he will be unable to anything about it. Like Kumioko.

"Punk ass bitch." Nah, that's not what I'd call him. It's too nice.

His form of whining is to attack with maximum bluster. We are not afraid.

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Re: Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision

Post by Graaf Statler » Tue Oct 08, 2019 6:56 am

Thank you for all your IQ 200+ contributes. I have not even the slightest Idea where your guys are talking about,, but has the night sister already come by?
Because simple, I am not in the mood for your guys crazy minds. What Sweety does here is the work of a complete madman.

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Re: Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision

Post by CrowsNest » Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:37 pm

Nope Juice, I think I'm nearly done with this.

You just haven't listened to me at all, or sought wise counsel, is the kindest explanation I can attribute to your continuing failures to understand and respect my position, and therefore act accordingly. I do know this is a forum, and I've wasted more time on this issue than any of you, for the benefit of the forum. All to arrive at this farcical situation, where you literally can't even see how much of a punk ass bitch you seem to want me to be, to myself and to the cause. I was always respectful of the fact this isn't my board, so a certain amount of accommodating has to be done, but I've got my fucking limits.

I am now doubting whether this place still has the same goals and ethos it appeared to have when I joined, and how much of that shift has been the product of serious thought by those who should be thinking it, and how much is down to the poisonous advice of people who probably never were down with the original mission/makeup of this board, and want to make it something more like the things it used to be very clear on, absolutely suck.

All you had to do was listen, and listen properly, accepting that you're not dealing with someone in me who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about. There's nothing I've told you to do (or not do) that would have harmed this forum in any way, and if you think otherwise, you should have done me the courtesy of giving a convincing explanation why you thought that, not telling me some nonsense that I've probably already seen fail at some other Wikipedia criticism forum in times of Yore, or is the hallmark of continuing failure at Wikipedia/Wikipediocracy.

I know what works, at least if we all accept that Wikipedia/Wikipediocracy is not it. I was big part of the previous WR3? forum that in less than a year, reached the same level of activity as Wikipediocracy. You know who ruined that for everybody because he's just such a selfish little prick who has to win at all costs? Kumioko. The Forum Killer.

Not for the first time, Wikipediocracy has used him as their not so secret weapon, banning him right at the time they want to destroy the competition in their finest hour (in WR3's case right at the time we had reached parity and were due to surpass their failing forum, and in our case right at the cusp of the complete and total demolition of their horsehit Framban conspiracy theory, and the exposure of all those pushing it as frauds and collaborators).

For no other reason than to crash our victory party, the desperate Vigilant knowingly and with malice, unleashed a biological weapon, a threat I had already saved this place from once without even having to use excessive force. Knowing he would surely seek us out and infect us again, now immunized against my earlier, kinder, medicinal strategy, Vigilant did what he does, for the reasons he always does it, with the terrible consequences now writ large.

It's a very apt way of looking at it now I reflect, with the benefit of hindsight, even though that contradicts with the rather more useful analogy of seeing him as a forum terminator. We should have had more Alsations here, not goddamned Labradoodles. We should have hired Jeff Goldblum FFS. He'd have understood this shit in a hot minute, and had my back all the way.

You've so badly misunderstood what I've been telling you, so royally screwed this all up, you've even done some shit that I'm sure you think I wanted and would be pleased about, but if you had bothered to ask (or just listened at all), I would have told you was not what I wanted and was only going to increase your difficulty in handling the Kumioko problem.

I only ever did what I did to make your lives easier in the long run, and rather than treat the side-effects, you should have dealt with the cause. The fight was not the problem you needed to address. It was the reason why I want to hold that guy to account no matter what, is what you should have focussed on. At every turn, you have basically saught to nullify your own natural immune system, and so now is it any wonder you're kind of terrified at the prospect of having to do the real work of containment of an actual threat?

Those who know Kumioko as I do, already know that spending an hour to construct a timeline just to combat the lie of one single post he'll spam the shit out of if you let him, will be an example of you having had an easy day at the office. Ignoring his basic reason for being here only sounds like the easy option when you're happy to have a forum made up of people who just ignore a problem like Kumioko, who won't fact check his bullshit, who won't defend each other when he's maligning their hard earned reputation without a second's thought. Or worse, see something of value in him being all he can be.

So basically, the route taken by Wikipedia and Wikipediocracy, for years and years, before he finally got to Step 2 of the programme, and incorporated their terrible deeds into his mythology. You know it, you're already a part of it. I got a whole chapter. Little old me, just for spending three minutes at a time busting a myth or two. Would they do so again now, knowing as they do what his programming is? No, obviously not.

Fifty times bitten, fifty first time shy. The sheer arrogance of you thinking you can somehow make use of him where they failed, and using Wikipedia methods of all things to do it, is jaw dropping. You will only be able to manage him, and just barely at that, if you take my advice. It is the one management plan that has never been tried.

He needs special management, which is not just extreme moderation and harsh penalties, but daily attention to the basics of what he is doing and why, to reflect the nature of the beast and the gravity of the threat. I lost all hope any plan would work a long time ago, chiefly because people don't want to put the time or effort in. But out of sheer curiosity, I'm up for anyone trying something that has never been tried before, as long as they appreciate what the signs of failure are, and are ready and willing to put the lab rat down when the time comes to declare the experiment over.

So yes, I'm probably done. A board with Abd pretending he's a special boy with special entitlements, Kumioko posting his pure shite, Anyone treating me like a moron, a moderator that complains about having to moderate, all overseen by an owner/admin group that either can't or won't take the time or expend the effort necessary to resolve serious, extinction level, threats, is not exactly an attractive proposition.

Properly reading and genuinely understanding, is not an onerous task in the grand scheme of things. I was at least asked to list all the lies Kumioko tells, was even given special authorization to post it and not have it moved, but I stupidly waited to see how things planned out yesterday. And what do you know, thanks to a Princess and her rotten apples no less, already I think we're well past the point that would be useful in informing effective treatment strategies.

Whether this WS:IBAN has been reviewed and signed off by the upper levels no longer really matters. That fact I can't answer that question for myself based on their public statements and would presumably have to engage in Kumioko-style cage rattling to do so, is the real issue. A punk ass bitch who has to lower himself to the level of a Kumioko just to be properly heard, I will not be. No way, no how. Not this footsoldier.

I'm not a blind loyalty kind of guy. My war is an SAS war, each man thinking for himself and acting for the benefit of the mission, not his own selfish wants or desires. Each man proving to his brother that he is worth it by his actions, not his gum flapping. A colonel and a trooper in the same shallow shell scrape, no ranks or deference, just mutual respect. Certainly no orders that will be obeyed if you couldn't ever hold your head up in a watering hole back in Blighty at the end of it.

So consider this me confining myself to barracks for the forseeable, until some fucking goddamned sense is returned to this detail. Some tactical nouse. Some real battle experience. Because those chumps out there in the jungle, the Wikipedians and their Wikipediocracy cousins, they 'ain't playing. They may even be expanding to new territories if recent events are to be believed. They may look stupid, they may think stupid, but you better believe they mean you harm, they want you gone from their Holy Lands, so they can get back to their medieval existence.

I've done too many missions and scored too many hits for me to accept this is the new normal. That this is how this outfit is gonna be run from now on.

I'm probably gonna a stick around and lurk, to stay informed and keep Kumioko on edge, pissing his pants at the thought an attack from his "dangerous stalker" might come at any time, but posting much of anything else seems like it would be a waste of my time, or at least make me feel like I would just be pissing in my own face and telling myself it's Champagne.

You can fix this any time you want. I'm a reasonable man, who is always open to sensible ideas that are well argued and have a realistic chance of success. If you didn't know that's who I am under this rough tough take no prisoners exterior, then maybe you never knew me at all. :cry:


Good luck playing with your new Princess toy. If she really is from Cornwall, she's probably got lead paint on her tin body, so don't put her in your mouth whatever you do. Although it sounds like you already did!

No offence Dysk. ;)

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Re: Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision

Post by Abd » Tue Oct 08, 2019 4:10 pm

There has been some mention of the Offwiki affair. Wil Sinclair started Offwiki to demonstrate that it wasn't necessary to block people, and that full and open discussion was possible. He had been heavily attacked by Vigilant, and I confronted that and this was the immediate incident where I was banned from WPO.

Having substantial Wiki admin experience, I offered to help Wil, his goals were noble if naive, and he gave me admin. There was then an incident when a very disruptive user was flooding the wiki, and, after warning, I short-blocked. She threatened to sue Sinclair. He was beside himself, obsessed. On the phone, I talked him down, but it returned. He removed the admin bit. Essentially, he was completely clueless about how to run a wiki. Someone moved a huge number of pages on top of his talk page, making a mess so bad that recovery from backup was probably in order. I always suspected that the someone was Vigilant. And on WPO they were all laughing at Sinclair's ineptness. It then became a story, later, of how Abd wrecked Offwiki. I did nothing of the kind. Sinclair shut it down because he couldn't handle it, and he did not know how to delegate and support those who supported him. If an owner doesn't like what an admin or mod does, they can instruct. Essentially, he punished for doing something that made trouble for him, instead of simply warning and instructing. He was highly reactive, all too common. Owners need some gravitas or they eventually abandon projects.

Kumioko may have triggered certain events on Auggie's WR, but was not responsible for the continuation or shutdown of that forum. The Owner was. Auggie also shut down encyc, erasing the work of many people who had helped him. If you are the Owner, the buck stops with you, or you are not really an Owner, you are just an accident waiting to offend you.

And then delegation is crucial to any community project. A lot can be done by a single person, but it is way limited compared to what can be done collectively.

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Re: Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision

Post by Graaf Statler » Tue Oct 08, 2019 4:24 pm

Crow wrote:Good luck playing with your new Princess toy. If she really is from Cornwall, she's probably got lead paint on her tin body, so don't put her in your mouth whatever you do. Although it sounds like you already did!

No offence Dysk. ;)

Both Dysk and Princess are OK. They are both often extreem, Princess even more than Dysk. Some say Princess is Dysk's sister, and as far I can see they never, never troll here or are forcing there vision here in the extreem aggressive Kum/Sweety/Abd/Timmy way. Never!

They are both extreem kind and polite peeps with..... just a different opinion. What they share on there own Discord, that is all and of course OK.

But they have never ever been as disrespectful to others like the couple of guest we had here past weeks who where only misusing our famous sucks hospitality.
Because anywhere else these peeps all had been booted out long ago, I guarantee you.

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Re: Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision

Post by CrowsNest » Tue Oct 08, 2019 5:49 pm

Abd wrote:Kumioko may have triggered certain events on Auggie's WR, but was not responsible for the continuation or shutdown of that forum.
I wasn't even meaning that one, I meant Mutineer's ProBoard, but if you thought it was even feasible enough he could be responsible for even another destruction to have to deny it, well......

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Re: Kumioko posting as Perseus until further decision

Post by Carrite » Tue Oct 08, 2019 5:56 pm

Crow the Conspiracy Comedian wrote:Not for the first time, Wikipediocracy has used him as their not so secret weapon, banning him right at the time they want to destroy the competition in their finest hour ...


You slay me. Narcissist much? You've got a semi-literate Nederlander with an affection for technicolored 48 pt. ALL CAPS epithets following you around polishing your shoes with his drool and acting as a one man posse while you pontificate at extreme length about how you hate Vigilant and everything to do with Wikipediocracy.

This you mark down as State of The Art Wikipedia Criticism™ because self-absorption, because political spin.

It's all a conspiracy, maaaaaaaaaan!!!


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