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Beeblebrox denies being a racist, then says something racist

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 11:38 pm
by Jake Is A Sellout
Funny as fuck. ... 14&t=11929
Wow, I guess this is what I get for asking why simple content decisions take years to implement there. Obviously the answer is because I'm racist, and hate all other WP projects. It all so clear to me now.
This gusuq isn't losing any sleep over living where I do. Nice to know someone is so intensely interested in my every word though. I must be really influential.
Note: gusuq - Yupiq Eskimo word for non-native (usually white) person.
Well, we're wandering off topic here but if you get me started I could talk about Alaska all day. What I will say regarding Native Alaskans:.......I've sampled the village life, just a little bit and very much as an outsider, but I can see the appeal of it. They are living their own culture in the villages, not their ancient culture, it's a living thing like any other culture and has evolved.
....Everyone knows how to speak English, but they might not choose to speak it if they don't want to talk to white people that day.
How much of a white Wikipeida fuck do you have to be, to not see the racism in you apparently assuming that just because the locals aren't speaking English, which you assume they can because why wouldn't they, it is America's official language and everything, it just might be because they might not want to talk to white people that day.

Those sneaky Alaskan fucks, out there in their villages, talking their native language. Probably planning where to plant the IEDs, eh, Master Sergeant Beeblebrox? You better sort them out, send out a patrol from Ice Station Zebra.

And presumably this also applies in those Alaskan families with mixed relationships? Good excuse for ignoring the wife I guess, AMIRIGHT male dominated Wikipedia folks?

Seriously? Would he get away with saying that shit about Americans speaking Spanish in Florida? That they might just not want to talk to whitey that day, and you have to, y'know, respect their culture that they practice out there in their pueblos.

This guy, fuck me. That whole thing comes across as what it is, a white man talking about a people he sees as backward, inferior to the founders and drivers of the Anglo Wiki Empire. Something to study, a people who he feels qualified to comment on their culture as an outsider, enough to grant that yes, they too are capable of evolving!

The whole thing was a white man's racist trope from top to bottom when you think about it. And a particularly American form of racism too....
It's a rough life in many regards....But they are living on their own land, by choice
ORLY? Is it perhaps not the case they are "choosing" not to live in Anchorage because it's filled with racist white fucks, who would perhaps treat a native like a backward otherworldly freak even though he would be quite literally still standing on his own land, even if he was on the floor of the State House?

He lives among them, so he can study their backward ways, presumably as a secondary hobby to his main job, assisting in the expansion of the white man's free encyclopedia, which of course teaches people the American Constitutional doctrine that, well, yes, while there was perhaps some small issue with how America was colonised, it's America's land now, and it belongs to Americans. The real Americans.

And he feels not a jot of shame about it, people.

He's totally not a racist. And when a white man says that, well, you know he's good for it, right. You can trust whitey. Especially Wikipedia whitey. They have black friends, don't you know? Not friends as in, we'll shut down Wikipedia for a few hours in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, but black friends as in, please tell us your stories of being black so we can help the world be less racist by using Wikipedia to teach them about why black lives matter.

Without, y'know, getting all political, because we know you agree with us, that the statement "black lives matter" is a statement of a political belief. I mean, what else could it be? It can't be a statement of universal human rights, not like, access to Wikipedia, that would be silly! Yes, we shall find time to improve our articles on Black Lives and how they matter, and we will get right on it, as soon as we are done with our partnership with the United Nations on our very important message of telling people that Wikipedia is for everyone.

Note to Wikipediots: even though this racist bullshit was said in his home from home, Wikipediocracy, per oodles of your governance precedent, it counts as evidence he is a racist (and thus should be globally banned from Wikipedia projects and events).

But hey, I will understand if you do nothing, because, well, he is actually on the (pretty damn white, pretty damn male) Arbitration Committee that is often tasked with deciding who is and is not a racist in English Wikipedia, and it's not like the native people's were ever really on your radar to begin with.

Keep Alaska white! Keep Wikipedia white! Beeblebrox for Editor Emiratus!