NATO-funded doxxers a step removed from Wikipedians

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Re: NATO-funded doxxers a step removed from Wikipedians

Post by wexter » Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:25 pm

Tokayev has been pushing Putin's buttons lately; Georgia had the focus of the Bush Administration - with the US backing off - only for Russians to flee there.

Viktor Suvorov documented the "poor condition" of the Soviet Army based on his experiences in the 1960's-1970's. He alluded to the sheer numbers of tanks in inventory being offset by "brutal army conditions," a lack of leadership, and the total disrepair of equipment (with equipment having limited operational hours before needing service a capability that did not exist).

Nobody in power considered personal observations of folks on the ground (nobody being Russian or US Leadership). (ADVchina for example was a window into China)

So as far as Russia is concerned it is back to the history books! where General Winter and a "cannon fodder" eventually turn the tide. We are talking about an invasion of a neighbor across mostly open farmland (and a city the size of Chicago) not halfway across the world via water or to landlocked countries. Big eyes are one thing capability is another.

The difference being of course that there is very little at stake for the average Russian. Russian consumers make US consumers look good - many a Russian youtube channel provides insight into shopping malls and food stores; with the guy on the street having even less insight than the American public which is thick as a brick.

Peter Zehan, suggests Putin was after choke points to secure Russia but who knows.

Putin could have conquered Europe economically with natural gas if he was more patient (or grounded in reality). With global supply chains broken, Russia would be ok living a 1970's existence while in comparison the US could break apart Soviet Style (not be able to produce anything to 2022 specification, therefore not producing anything!).

What was the rush?

On an existential basis - Russia has to win because losing would break russia as a nation state.

It is all very dangerous and not over by a longshot.

Every country is connected in one way or another.. it is very dangerous (at the least it speaks against globalized trade and a globalized world.)
Wikipedia - "Barely competent and paranoid. There’s a hell of a combination."

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Re: NATO-funded doxxers a step removed from Wikipedians

Post by ericbarbour » Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:46 pm

No links?

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Re: NATO-funded doxxers a step removed from Wikipedians

Post by wexter » Wed Dec 14, 2022 10:31 pm

ericbarbour wrote:
Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:46 pm
No links?
Understanding current events; draw on everything you can and form a thesis from an amalgam of sources and insights;
The difference being of course that there is very little at stake for the average Russian. Russian consumers make US consumers look good - many a Russian youtube channel provides insight into shopping malls and food stores; with the guy on the street having even less insight than the American public which is thick as a brick.
A quick overview of young "Russians" on the street can be had here (with the folks giving clueless Americans with very low IQ's a run for their money);

There are tons of Russian Youtube channels; totally focused on shopping and consumerism. I am sure that people "invest" in consumer goods and view them as "wealth" and assets.


This fellow escaped Russia, he would last about two minutes in the Russian army;

Here is a random music video - talking about "dancing on my bed" with high end aspirational cars

Most songs are related to sex more than consumerism;
Viktor Suvorov documented the "poor condition" of the Soviet Army based on his experiences in the 1960's-1970's. He alluded to the sheer numbers of tanks in inventory being offset by "brutal army conditions," a lack of leadership, and the total disrepair of equipment (with equipment having limited operational hours before needing service a capability that did not exist).
A preemptive strike by Germany in advance of an expected Soviet Invasion, Quality of the army, quality of the special forces, insight into the Soviet intelligence apparatus. Some must read stuff that provides an overview of what is going on now. ... or+Suvorov
So as far as Russia is concerned it is back to the history books! Where is General Winter
(Believe it or not, some of the best current analysis of Russia is coming from India! - The Print)
Peter Zehan, suggests Putin was after choke points to secure Russia but who knows. ... er_zeihan/ ... 0239&psc=1
Wikipedia - "Barely competent and paranoid. There’s a hell of a combination."

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Re: NATO-funded doxxers a step removed from Wikipedians

Post by ericbarbour » Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:42 pm

wexter wrote:
Wed Dec 14, 2022 10:31 pm
Here is a random music video - talking about "dancing on my bed" with high end aspirational cars
Russian youth are no different from idiotic young people anywhere else: they want sex (from tattooed bimbos with huge lips?) and ugly, expensive bloody German cars. Russians like to talk about their "native auto industry" but here's a Russian music video full of Benzes. I still think the G-Wagen is a ridiculous and obscenely overpriced Jeep.

BTW a friend who is a NAFO member has this to say about Dyszewski:
FFS. Look at the source. Cray Zone. Kyiv Post - Kyiv Independent started because of the pro-Russian influence there.
BTW. Be wary of any J J Smart articles.

Yes. Kama owned up to this. When he was younger, he did this. NAFO is part of his atonement for this.
And just an aside:
While in combat, the troops in the naval brigade lacked sufficient food, maps, critical medical supplies, or walkie-talkies, and they were forced to use 1970s-era Kalashnikov rifles — with some members having to resort to using Wikipedia to locate instructions for using certain weapons — according to the report.

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Re: NATO-funded doxxers a step removed from Wikipedians

Post by Cla68 » Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:22 pm

Russia invaded Ukraine because the Biden administration publicly stated they would allow Ukraine to join NATO. The Obama administration also said this, but Ukraine was saved from an earlier invasion by Trump's election and Trump's assurance to Putin that his administration would not push for Ukraine to join NATO. Putin has also said that he objected to the EU and other globalist organizations trying to use Ukraine to undermine Russian society by pushing progressive social movements like transgenderism and LGBTQ acceptance. The ultimate goal of the invasion is to replace the US dollar as the world's base currency so that Russia and its allies can have economic independence from the globalist-controlled Western economies. That's one of the reasons why China and other Asian countries haven't joined the West's sanctions against Russia.

The Reagan administration promised Russia that the US would never try to give NATO membership to any former Soviet republics that bordered Russia. It will be a cold day in Hades, however, before you even hear any Western mainstream media outlet, including Fox News, admitting that if Trump was still president the invasion of Ukraine wouldn't be happening or that any Western political leaders might bear any blame for Russia's actions. In fact, over the past year there has been a limited effort by some Western media to discredit the idea that the US had ever made that promise.

Anyway, leftists/globalists are very upset that they've lost Twitter. I believe they'll now try even harder to establish and maintain control over other social media platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and, of course, Wikipedia.

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Re: NATO-funded doxxers a step removed from Wikipedians

Post by ericbarbour » Fri Jan 06, 2023 7:37 am

Thank you for dropping by, Cla.
Cla68 wrote:
Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:22 pm
The Reagan administration promised Russia that the US would never try to give NATO membership to any former Soviet republics that bordered Russia. It will be a cold day in Hades, however, before you even hear any Western mainstream media outlet, including Fox News, admitting that if Trump was still president the invasion of Ukraine wouldn't be happening or that any Western political leaders might bear any blame for Russia's actions. In fact, over the past year there has been a limited effort by some Western media to discredit the idea that the US had ever made that promise.
Well put. ONLY NOW are certain Republicans realizing how this country's leadership (regardless of party) has tried to buy happy-luv from the great Russian bear. And failed, over and over. You can feed that bear candy and cookies but don't blame me if it rips your arm off.
Anyway, leftists/globalists are very upset that they've lost Twitter. I believe they'll now try even harder to establish and maintain control over other social media platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and, of course, Wikipedia.
As I said before, I had the Twitter account "ihatewikipedia". Used only to mock/criticize WP and Twitter "leadership". It was banned last year for no apparent reason--and unbanned equally mysteriously, shortly after Musk took over Twitter. And I continue to suspect it was banned because some Wiki Nitwit talked a sympathetic Twitter employee into killing it--even though very few people even knew it existed.

Quite a few ex-WMF employees ended up working at Twitter, which had a reputation for crank-left-leaning millennial employee "hijinks". Musk tossed most of them, supposedly. (Not that it actually IMPROVED the product. Twitter has always been a giant online mental asylum, and it remains so today. It's in a sick codependent relationship with certain "influencers", politicians, nut cases.....and journalists. If they all bailed or were tossed, it would die very quickly.)

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Re: NATO-funded doxxers a step removed from Wikipedians

Post by Cla68 » Fri Jan 06, 2023 2:04 pm

ericbarbour wrote:
Fri Jan 06, 2023 7:37 am
Thank you for dropping by, Cla.
Cla68 wrote:
Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:22 pm
The Reagan administration promised Russia that the US would never try to give NATO membership to any former Soviet republics that bordered Russia. It will be a cold day in Hades, however, before you even hear any Western mainstream media outlet, including Fox News, admitting that if Trump was still president the invasion of Ukraine wouldn't be happening or that any Western political leaders might bear any blame for Russia's actions. In fact, over the past year there has been a limited effort by some Western media to discredit the idea that the US had ever made that promise.
Well put. ONLY NOW are certain Republicans realizing how this country's leadership (regardless of party) has tried to buy happy-luv from the great Russian bear. And failed, over and over. You can feed that bear candy and cookies but don't blame me if it rips your arm off.
Anyway, leftists/globalists are very upset that they've lost Twitter. I believe they'll now try even harder to establish and maintain control over other social media platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and, of course, Wikipedia.
As I said before, I had the Twitter account "ihatewikipedia". Used only to mock/criticize WP and Twitter "leadership". It was banned last year for no apparent reason--and unbanned equally mysteriously, shortly after Musk took over Twitter. And I continue to suspect it was banned because some Wiki Nitwit talked a sympathetic Twitter employee into killing it--even though very few people even knew it existed.

Quite a few ex-WMF employees ended up working at Twitter, which had a reputation for crank-left-leaning millennial employee "hijinks". Musk tossed most of them, supposedly. (Not that it actually IMPROVED the product. Twitter has always been a giant online mental asylum, and it remains so today. It's in a sick codependent relationship with certain "influencers", politicians, nut cases.....and journalists. If they all bailed or were tossed, it would die very quickly.)
Over the past 10 years or so, Ukraine has tried to buy as many influential leaders in both parties in the US as they can. Paul Manafort is an example of a Republican getting caught up in it. Hunter Biden (and indirectly his father) is a good example of the other party. I have personally witnessed the efforts, as one time I was walking by the St. Regis hotel (one of the most exclusive hotels in the city and located two blocks from the WH) in Washington D.C. around 2016 (before the election) and observed that a huge social reception was taking place in the restaurant, bar, and lobby lounges attended by a large number of Ukrainian military offices and US flag officers, all in uniform. As ex-military, I notice things like that. US flag officers are very busy, so seeing so many of them in the same place in the middle of a work day doing nothing in particular but schmoozing was striking. When Trump gave the president of Ukraine a hard time and certain US Army officers revolted and helped the Democrats impeach him over it, I wasn't surprised.

It seems like the Silicon Valley tech companies, not just in social media, are job farms for young leftists. As Twitter showed, their corporate personnel were way overstaffed. We already know that Wikipedia is way overstaffed because it has more money than it knows what to do with. Must be nice being paid to just sit around all day doing maybe one hour of work on some no-crucial project. Eventually, the party's going to end. It always does.

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Re: NATO-funded doxxers a step removed from Wikipedians

Post by wexter » Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:34 am

Cla68 wrote:
Fri Jan 06, 2023 2:04 pm
"corporate personnel were way overstaffed"
Wikipedia, Facebook, and Twitter were early "blitz-scalers" - which eventually was taught in Stanford U by Paypal's progenitor - the guy who impregnated Musk.

The idea was to grow fast, hire lots of people, break the rules, and capture a whole market in one big gulp. Zero cost capital has made Tesla and Bitcoin the poster children (apex) of all this nonsense.

With twitter, Musk is trying to avoid a massive margin call

-The idiot actually waived "due diligence"
-No court in the country would force a deal via specific performance, if diligence found defects.
-Musk has a terrible reputation with regulators (break the rules)
-Musk avoided jail by completing the deal - now he has spiraling

The "job banks" in the country are never addressed by Politicians, they are in fact encouraged - and that is called communism. Two competing flavors of total abject nonsense have entrained and propagandized the entire population. Musk is not the only, David Icke lizard alien, person with a reality distortion ray.
Wikipedia - "Barely competent and paranoid. There’s a hell of a combination."

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Re: NATO-funded doxxers a step removed from Wikipedians

Post by ericbarbour » Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:24 am

Cla68 wrote:
Fri Jan 06, 2023 2:04 pm
Over the past 10 years or so, Ukraine has tried to buy as many influential leaders in both parties in the US as they can.
True generally. Given a choice between Zelenskiyy and Putin, I think most people would prefer Zelenskiyy. Lesser of two evils, perennial underdog and all that. There are still problems with corruption and political favors, but "it could be worse, you could be in Moscow, being fed poison by the FSB". Plus many political people clearly remember the 2014 protests. Yanukovych, that good "friend of Mother Russia", was having people shot in the streets, while he sat in his enormous secret palace and on his golden shitter.

Did you know that when the Ukraine invasion started last February, Putin's generals were so certain they would take the whole country over in a few days, they had Yanukovych sitting in a house on the Belarus border, ready to "become President" as soon as Zelenskiyy was dead? Needless to say, they took Viktor back to Moscow after the generals were shown to be idiots.
It seems like the Silicon Valley tech companies, not just in social media, are job farms for young leftists. As Twitter showed, their corporate personnel were way overstaffed. We already know that Wikipedia is way overstaffed because it has more money than it knows what to do with. Must be nice being paid to just sit around all day doing maybe one hour of work on some no-crucial project. Eventually, the party's going to end. It always does.
And they will deny it to the last server rack. The "social media" valley is a different place from the 1990s Internet valley, which itself was quite different from the 1980s personal-computer valley. Different gang of sleazy billionaires and a different variety of hapless underpaid minions each time. The millennial generation, eh, plenty has been written about them already. Suffice it to say they are getting screwed over by previous generations, they know it, and they tend to object. Not that it will matter much and not that they can actually foment any changes. But you can't tell them such things bluntly.

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