Lomax v. WikiMedia Foundation, Inc. et al

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Re: Lomax v. WikiMedia Foundation, Inc. et al

Post by Abd » Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:38 pm

CrowsNest wrote:Y'know, I think the WMF would be stupid enough to think they could win even if you had a Peter Thiel bankrolling you. You get that impression every single time you hear them talking about a legal matter.

Well, yes. Pride cometh before a fall. I've been studying precedent. If I'm correct, the legal term for their situation is "fucked." That doesn't mean I'll win, there are lots of twists and turns in defamation law. But it is very strong that it is going to take at least discovery before they can move for summary judgment, and I think I can survive that as well, it will take a trial, and then I get to convince a jury. Can I do that? I think it will be fun to find out! I've gone through training where I had a roomful of experts watching me make a presentation. I was lousy, but the whole point was to be lousy so that you can learn how to not be lousy. Ah, that was so much fun! So they start to point out problems, and I say, "I know . . ." and they said, in unison, "Shut up and listen!"

And that revealed habits I had since my teenage years. OMG! We don't have to continue our old identity!

It really did blow my mind, that having seen your complaint, their actual response to the Court, something that crossed a highly expensive lawyer's desk, would go anywhere near the possibility that you might have been banned for "no reason at all".

Well, not mine, because they were simply trying to blow the complaint out of the water as quickly as possible, and the WMF could claim that they don't actually ban people for no reason, this was simply a legal fact, that they can (and, by the way, that's correct, they can. But, ah, can they publish the fact? Further, can they do this while providing no recourse, no appeal and published? This is going to get interesting.

I don't know if you've seen it, but it will probably help your case to include the fact that the WMF is petitioning the European Court of Human Rights because Turkey's ban of their website's somehow infringes the "fundamental human right" to "freedom of expression", specifically by denying Turkish citizens their rights to "contributing, debating, and adding to Wikipedia’s more than 50 million articles".

Maybe, I'll look at it. A lot of stuff that may seem relevant to us may not be relevant in court. However I now have Count 3, which makes a common-law argument, and I might mention this there. They are formally claiming a right to "freedom of expression" that they are, themselves, denying, with no due process.

I didn't go to no fancy lawyer school, I don't work for Jones Day, but I think your judge is going to be well aware of the basic legal principle that denying a person their fundamental rights for no reason at all, is kinda shady. And yet this appears to be the aggregate view of the WMF, at least insofar as how they intend to use the law.

I do think that this "no appeal" thing may strike a chord, yes. So a school can expel anyone, but can they publish it? What I have seen in case law is that factual issues are raised that can take a trial. It is strongest if malice is plausibly alleged, and in one case, the judge essentially assumed malice because the plaintiff had caused the company he was suing heavy legal expenses. That was neat to find. I found this stuff because idiots at Wikipediocracy wondered if I had sufficiently; 'Shepardized" the case. I had not seen that word for years. It is presently a Lexis-Nexis tool, and apparently expensive. But I also found a review article that claimed that Google Scholar was almost as good, and better in some ways, and the price is right. So that's how I found a ton of cases to read, covering Noonan v. Staples.
In Massachusetts, it turns out, there is an exception to the "veracity is an absolute defense against libel", because, per the law, a statement may be true and still be defamation if issued with malice. (this was the old common-law rule.) That's unconstitutional as to public figures, but is law with private figures.

So my complaint has two layers. First of all, I'll claim that the publication implies serious misbehavior even though technically it doesn't say that and technically, it is "true." I.e., they say Abd is banned and he is, and from their point of view, that's true, end of question. But not quite! I am so glad I filed in Mass instead of California (which I did consider!). So the statement is true but not the common implication from it. So *substantially* the statement is untrue.
And then secondly, I'm alleging malice, which I actually believed but it's not my habit to allege it. Here, I must.

A Judge can't in good conscience endorse the arguments of lawyers who are that incompetent.

Not true. That is not how judges think. They actually have the audacity to look at the arguments instead of the person, at least usually! The alleged incompetence here is that this could injure the reputation of the WMF, and my sense is that the WMF wanted them to do whatever they could to quickly blow the case out of the water, so they went for what is easy. And that wasn't incompetent. I have high respect for Jones Day, not so much their client. If I don't amend, my complaint is toast. Tomorrow, or I would need to get the judge's permission.

He will have to hear the case to settle the matter as to who has what rights, and it is hard to conceive any outcome where they win on any substantive point of disagreement.

"She", and I intend to visit the court and watch her in action. It's easy to conceive, these cases can go either way, but if I present an amended complaint, link below, and handle this with reasonable skill, it will take a trial, almost certainly. There are factual issues. Is the publication of a WMF office ban defamatory? Was there malice on the part of the WMF? If I have the thinnest of evidence, enough to allow a possibility that jury would conclude malice, it must go to trial.
What do you think? Any malice floating around that WMF brain?
(I can show malice, slam-dunk, for other defendants, my opinion, but the WMF's action might have been mere incompetence, it's possible. More likely, there is a mixture of incompetence and malice, along the lines of aligning with and protecting "precious volunteers" from "attack by trolls."

Now, this: http://coldfusioncommunity.net/w/index. ... ldid=21630 This was "Max," here, as he claims.
And this: http://coldfusioncommunity.net/w/index. ... ldid=21780 Max doesn't really quite get his situation.
And then the Beast shows up: http://coldfusioncommunity.net/w/index. ... r_talk:Max
if you leak anything to Abd, just remember that friends can become enemies. Some advice (talk) 00:17, 9 June 2019 (UTC)

Now, this is interesting. I keep in mind that impersonations and fake accounts and lies have been part of this situation since before I was involved. But Max's story caused many tumblers to fall into place, the lock turned, it all made far more sense. If the WMF has destroyed the emails, I may be able to whack them for spoliation. If Max agrees to provide an affidavit ASAP, I would drop the case against him, all he has to do is tell the truth, which he may be legally compelled to do anyway. If he was lying, well, that would make him part of a larger conspiracy to create confusion. But I don't think he lied.
Them threatening him would seem to be about as stupid a thing to do as I can imagine, but the Smith brothers have done many, many stupid things. They get away with it, often, because they have learned how to manipulate wikis.

I just found strong evidence that the socks that lit up Wikipedia in March with threats and claims around Lomax v. WMF was a Smith brother, very likely Darryl. They make lots of mistakes, and they are protected because, mostly, nobody is watching.

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Re: Lomax v. WikiMedia Foundation, Inc. et al

Post by badmachine » Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:00 pm

Abd wrote:Are we having fun yet?

lol that our little site will be permanently embedded in Massachusetts case law

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Re: Lomax v. WikiMedia Foundation, Inc. et al

Post by Abd » Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:44 pm

badmachine wrote:
Abd wrote:Are we having fun yet?

lol that our little site will be permanently embedded in Massachusetts case law

As it happens, I am now adding a link to this site, it will actually be in the Amended complaint. Look, when I filed this case, as with many things I do, I only believe something is possible on alternate Mondays. It may still fail, easily. Pro se up against Jones Day? I wouldn't bet on pro se, but I am already fully invested, so I just move forward one step at a time.

I am now alleging civil conspiracy, have upped the damages to $2,000,000 (why not?) and have added a claim for implicit violation of contract, with general damages of $1,000. I.e, the TOU limit. Again, why not? If that is granted, it opens a barn door, maybe, for many people, who could possibly go for $1000 each. Or not. I really don't know.

But when I filed, I had no idea that Massachusetts was special, that its defamation law allows action for defamation of a private citizen *for true statements* if motivated by malice. Noonan v. Staples. While I might be able to sustain a case without that, based on the idea that a form of words that is literally true may still be false in implication, the malice exception seems, if malice is plausibly alleged, to require a trial. So that fucks the motion to dismiss. Will they try again? I don't know how many thousands of dollars those motions cost, but we can play this game as long as they refuse to negotiate.

The real change that I consider very likely is that the WMF fixes some, ah, deficiencies, in the policy, such as "no appeal" and "we don't have to discuss this with you, asshole!"

I'm not yet planning how to spend the $2,000,000.

Look, it was fucked to be banned like that and the defamation from RatWiki, especially, caused actual harm, but my training is, when life gives you lemons, well, you know the rest. (My particular answer is "Make Lemon Chicken, or Lemon Chiffon Pie.")

Lemonade is wimpy by comparison. Maybe lemon bars.

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Re: Lomax v. WikiMedia Foundation, Inc. et al

Post by Graaf Statler » Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:41 pm

I know far to little about Massachusetts law and common law in general to say anything about your chance to change the lemons in a sweet lemon pie. But it would break me if you take this next step, because that would mean WMF is not only in Europe (German case law) but also not in the USA protected by section 230. And that can not only be important for you case but also for other cases in the future. And that WMF lawyer, I said it before, for sure they are professional lawyers but they can't change water in wine.

@Vig, what a good example of the Dunning-Krugelis effect is is legal Bart Versieck and a bunch of idiots with fucking social trollbots. I really don't know if Abd reach something, really not, but what I know for sure is someone who sees a evidence of a psychiatrical problem in a 30 years old little toy train toilet need as quick as possible professional help himself. And no, I don't start any inter forum dialog with you anymore because I am not qualified to make any diagnose of you. I leave that to professionals and I only talk with serious people.)

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Re: Lomax v. WikiMedia Foundation, Inc. et al

Post by Abd » Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:27 pm

Graaf Statler wrote: that would mean WMF is not only in Europe (German case law) but also not in the USA protected by section 230. And that can not only be important for you case but also for other cases in the future. And that WMF lawyer, I said it before, for sure they are professional lawyers but they can't change water in wine.

Or horse piss into water. Wikipedia is protected by Section 230 for statements made by the users, but they might need to take them down on complaint, or become responsible for them, and my opinion is that a new cause of action appears for each "edition" of a page, so they could get whacked for really old stuff. To protect them, they probably have no liability unless there is a complaint. Then it is speculative. The law on this is weird in the U.S, and, my opinion, not settled.

Vigilant merely pointed to this page. Thanks, Vigilant! Now go fuck yourself Witchsmeller Pursuivant, arrogant prick still, after all these years.

Wikipediocracy was, years ago, faced with a choice, Abd or Vigilant, and they chose Vigilant. That means I won. I could have wasted years more with that forum that goes nowhere and accomplishes nothing but smug self-satisfaction.

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Re: Lomax v. WikiMedia Foundation, Inc. et al

Post by Graaf Statler » Sun Jun 09, 2019 10:25 pm

Abd wrote:Or horse piss into water. Wikipedia is protected by Section 230 for statements made by the users, but they might need to take them down on complaint, or become responsible for them, and my opinion is that a new cause of action appears for each "edition" of a page, so they could get whacked for really old stuff. To protect them, they probably have no liability unless there is a complaint. Then it is speculative. The law on this is weird in the U.S, and, my opinion, not settled.

Well, time the honourable lady shine the light of scrutiny over this matter, isn't it? Where stop the protection of section 230. And that is interesting quoestion and I agree with the theory a new cause of action appears for each "edition", under a CC licence.
I simple don't understand the use of that list with ad random blocked users, the only thing I can figure out is the obsession of Wikipedians to make lists.

Abd wrote:Vigilant merely pointed to this page. Thanks, Vigilant! Now go fuck yourself Witchsmeller Pursuivant, arrogant prick still, after all these years.
Wikipediocracy was, years ago, faced with a choice, Abd or Vigilant, and they chose Vigilant. That means I won. I could have wasted years more with that forum that goes nowhere and accomplishes nothing but smug self-satisfaction.

Vig has someting to do with this blunder ban's, that is clear also seen the fact Bart Legal run in his panic to him after I had kicked him out of my mailbox because of his constant trolling.
Anyway, I have very bad news for our social bot lovers, next year there will be a new privacy law in Holland what forbite every use and collection of social data. So in Holland they can trough there social troll bots in the trash and I think the rest of the European country's will follow soon.

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Re: Lomax v. WikiMedia Foundation, Inc. et al

Post by CrowsNest » Sun Jun 09, 2019 11:55 pm

I think the easiest part of this whole case is showing that it is institutional malice (intent to harm), not incompetence (ignorance of potential to harm), that explains the rather bizarre differences between how the WMF set up and runs its Global Ban system, and how such things are handled by the volunteers.

The volunteers specifically stopped the practice of maintaining lists of shame, on do no harm grounds. The volunteers deliberately make a choice on whether to give a reason for the ban, or keep it confidential, and they at least officially approach that based on what is best for both the project and the banned user. The volunteers obviously don't (officially) ban people for any reason, or even no reason at all. You can always find out what reason they think they have, even if it is bullshit. And even though it is often the most abused part of the whole system, officially, lines of communication are supposed to be kept open, appeals are meant to be allowed.

Nothing about the WMF approach is justifiable, hence why the only people trying who aren't being paid thousands of dollars to do so, are idiots. Even if the WMF tries to argue the harm is not intentional, it is easy to show they made a choice, and the interests of the banned users came second to their own. Malice aforethought.

I mean, fuuuuuuck, when you're being made to look irresponsible by the assortment of miscreants that comprise the volunteer community, that really should wise up the corporate fucks as to their liabilities.

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Re: Lomax v. WikiMedia Foundation, Inc. et al

Post by Graaf Statler » Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:47 am

CrowsNest wrote:Nothing about the WMF approach is justifiable, hence why the only people trying who aren't being paid thousands of dollars to do so, are idiots.

Ah, and here we are. if I was a American citizens o, for sure I I should pick it up that thousands of dollars from the street. Why not? Invest 400 dollars and a lot of time and see what happens.
BUT, I am not a American citizens, i am a inhabitant of the Kingdom The Netherlands and under the Dutch jurisdiction. And seen the fact deformation is a crime in Holland for sure we end up in a criminal court. But not only that, the Wikipedia Europe construction is a legal fire pile. And, I am not the pariah or the psychotic idiot Vigiliant tries to make out of me, but i am a member of a respected high middle class Dutch family. So what stops me? Fear.

Fear to be the one who has lighted the complete Wikipedia and WMF fire pile. Fear to ruin my my nice, comfortable life and let it change in some chaos. Fear the press jump in my neck, because it's of course a golden story for them. Son of a in that time famous professor Global Blocked and put his name on a name and shame list because WMF legal mixed him up with someone else because of a bad MyGenealogy page. When he was a child he even sat on the lap of the famous Tolkien and he was a golden writer, what I was.

My fear is I will be the next one who get locked up in there Hotel California and wil be the new King Midas.
Abd says all the time to me on Discord you have to conquer your fear, but now I am still not convinced. No, please let the keep there money, let they put it in a place where the sun never shines, I don't need it.

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Re: Lomax v. WikiMedia Foundation, Inc. et al

Post by Graaf Statler » Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:17 pm

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Re: Lomax v. WikiMedia Foundation, Inc. et al

Post by Abd » Mon Jun 10, 2019 3:14 pm

Graaf Statler wrote:Abd says all the time to me on Discord you have to conquer your fear, but now I am still not convinced. No, please let the keep there money, let they put it in a place where the sun never shines, I don't need it.

You have not yet grasped what I've been saying to you. To "conquer" your fear, you must fight it, which will strengthen it.
Fear is a "primitive" reaction, controlled by the amygdala. It is there to protect us in emergencies, to give us adrenaline, etc. in critical situations, and it's only useful for emergencies. If allowed to dominate us, it can radically disempower us, make us stupid and ineffective.
What I am suggesting is that you recognize fear, decide if there is an emergency, and, in fact, if there really is, we probably would not be having this conversation, you don't have to think about emergency responses, you just do them immediately.
So if it is not an emergency and you are still afraid, you do not trust yourself, that's the bottom line.
If you are not reactive, you will instinctively and intuitively put together all the information you have, and maybe more!, and make choices. If you detach from unnecessary fear, the kind that confuses you, you do not become stupid. You actually get smart, very smart.
None of this is about money. I did not file Lomax v. WMF for money, it was for standing for truth, against lies and deception and corruption. Could that result in harm to me?
Of course, but then again, I'm going to die someday anyway. People who stand for truth are often killed.
But, in reality, they live forever, because truth lives forever, whereas lies and illusion pass away.

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