2023 ArbCom election

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Re: 2023 ArbCom election

Post by ericbarbour » Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:31 am

ChaosMeRee wrote:
Wed Nov 22, 2023 6:23 pm
I'm actually VERY pleased at the stench of decay rising from this election. There aren't even any voter guides up yet. That doesn't feel normal.
It's not. The process always stank, but this year they can't even bother to pretend it smells like Chanel No. 5.
The choice for voters is to either intentionally burn out the few committed people they have, or vote for patently unsuitable candidates just to make up the numbers.
Which has been common practice for the past several years. They have finally become fully sick and tired of Arbcom and its pathetic "we are the supreme court, but you can buy or threaten us into silence, so we aren't actually supreme" routine.
It isn't hard to see that their concerns may be rooted in a deep suspicion that Harry is more of a Fram than a NewYorkBrad. And that isn't saying much, given Brad is only seen as effective by those who were not subjected to his idea of justice. Neither Harry or Brad read evidence and weigh opinions as truly impartial observers. Both are steeped in the tradition that Wikipedia is first and foremost for the devotees. The more devoted you are, the less right you need to be, on the facts or the morals.
Harry is a lot WORSE than Fram--I suspect anyway. We simply don't know how many abuses he's pulled over the years, because he often managed to talk an oversighter into covering them up for him. Somehow he abuses the system and dances away scot-free.

Examples of his shit that have NOT been deleted yet:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia: ... J_Mitchell
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia: ... e_.27crats
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia ... Mitchell_2
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia ... Mitchell_3
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =634852808
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... 7#Research
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =645612946
https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Project_g ... bile_phone

Anoyone remember who nominated Eostrix for admin?

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Re: 2023 ArbCom election

Post by ChaosMeRee » Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:39 am

What an extraordinary collection of serious accusations.

https://wikipediocracy.com/forum/viewto ... 16#p336816
Volunteer Marek wrote:I wasn’t going to comment on this election because first, I’m don’t think a single opinion can actually sway the results much and second, because up until recently the standing candidates were all in my view pretty good, or at least not too objectionable. But since Wugapodes has decided to stand for another term I really feel compelled, even forced, to say something.

Wugapodes was easily one of the worst serving ArbCom members I have ever had the mispleasure to witness, and my memories here go back to 2005. Off the top of my head, the only worse person to have ever served on the Committee I can think of was Rlevse/PumpkinSky and that guy is indef banned.

Of course the obvious counter here is that I’m just holding a grudge. But sometime people have a good reason to hold a grudge. Like when a shitty person genuinely tries to screw you over and then shows up acting as if they did nothing wrong and asks for more accolades. That kind of thing just turns your stomach to a point where you have to say something. And in general I’m not a grudge holding person. Cabayi voted to topic ban me but I don’t hold it against them – I plan on, and encourage others, to support them. Hell, even with Beeblebrox, who voted to indef me (unsuccessfully), if they were running, I’d probably stay neutral. Those two votes, while I obviously disagree with them, weren’t personal and they didn’t involve some extremely toxic abuse of their positions as arbitrators.

Wugapodes did however make it personal. And he did abuse his position as a drafting Arb in the Holocaust in Poland case. He manipulated, lied, insinuated, invented and attempted to railroad me in particular (he also did shitty things to other participants of that case). And he seemingly did it for extremely petty reasons; a disagreement I had had with him a few years (!) prior and the fact that I called one of his rants “unhinged” here on Wikipediocracy.

It began soon after the case opened, where he actively tried to solicit “the right kind” of evidence (that would justify the bans he already had in mind), continued with his repeated attempts to present evidence himself despite the fact that he was a drafting Arb (imagine a judge appointing himself as a witness or a prosecutor!), and then again with his unabashedly bad-faithed “summaries” of evidence presented by others. And it culminated in a completely unhinged rant about me in the final phase of the case where he insulted me personally, falsely accused me of things he had no evidence for and which were simply figments of his own imagination, and made statements that if this was a non-Arb, non-admin user would’ve clearly resulted in a block from Wikipedia. But since he had his Super-Super-Mario powers he got away with it and maybe even influence a couple (thankfully only a couple) of his more gullible colleagues.

During this case he had to be reprimanded and corrected several times which unfortunately also had the effect of myself or others “arguing with the Committee”. I actually do think he was purposeful in that pursuit – he knew that either I had to let his deceitful summaries of “evidence” stand, or try to raise objections which would make me look “argumentative”. If this was indeed his intent, then this speaks to his general character; it’s not just a question of incompetence or even pettiness driven by sub-conscious imagined grievances and insecurities, but rather straight forward indication of dishonesty and unsuitability to, well, to any project based on community trust.

I should also say that I don’t think my perceptions of him are too off the mark. During the case I inquired of some of the other Arbs of what they thought of Wugapodes’ behavior. Privately, they told me that they had concerns as well and that I should raise them. However, they were unwilling to speak up about it publicly (insert standard rant about the general spinelessness and cowardice of Wikipedia administrators when it comes to the behavior of their fellow admins here) and that again left me in the “damned if you do damned if you don’t” position.(asterisk)

I’ll give an outline of Wugapodes actions in another comment. Here I simply hope to articulate in general terms why I think such a manipulative, dishonest and petty individual really has no business not just on the Committee but really being an admin or even editing Wikipedia in general.

(asterisk) I want to be clear that I am NOT referring here to statements made by Newyorkbrad or Drmies or several other former-Arbs who did in fact speak up publicly for which they should be commended. The comment above is strictly referring to SOME of the members of the 2022 Committee.
If true, they are the making of a huge scandal that could bring down Wikipedia.

But when it comes to Wikipediocracy, we have been down this road before.

Proof, or shut the fuck up. You absolute pussies.

The mere fact Wikipediocracy is even hosting such incredibly serious if not inflammatory (but ultimately pointless*) accusations in their election thread during the election, means it is time for everyone in Wikipedia to get off the fence and tell us whether Arbitrators should be active members of that den of scum at all, and if so, whether they will ever make sure that Wikipedia editors are held accountable for what they post there.

Do not be afraid. Just because Beeblebrox, the Arbitrator who literally put the "we" in Wikipedia+Wikipediocracy (and was not corrected by their staff) filed a Case against Lourdes for raising this exact issue, doesn't mean he will bring the full force of the Committee down on you either. He is standing down anyway, so fuck him.

* It is virtually guaranteed Wugapodes is going to win a seat. He would have to finish last or poll below 50% not to. And the content of that post can only harm, not help, any future appeal to an ArbCom with Wugapodes as the expert witness on it regarding Marek's capacity for reflection and rehabilitation

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Re: 2023 ArbCom election

Post by ericbarbour » Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:46 am

Wugapodes was easily one of the worst serving ArbCom members I have ever had the mispleasure to witness, and my memories here go back to 2005. Off the top of my head, the only worse person to have ever served on the Committee I can think of was Rlevse/PumpkinSky and that guy is indef banned.
I could probably drag up a couple other early arbitrators and make examples of them. But he's right: Rlevse was a truly creepy and slimy character. And the insiders KNEW he was, and they said nothing for many years.

Book wiki anyone?
One of the stupidest Wikipedians ever to be elected to the Arbitration Committee, indeed one of the stupidest Wikipedians ever to have inhabited Wikipedia. Frequently accused others of socking, yet did plenty of socking himself. Powermonger and evil patroller for many years, militarist fanboy "Walter". Believed to live in Virginia Beach, VA. Serves as a scoutmaster for his local Boy Scouts chapter.

First edit November 2005. It is not possible to examine Everette's full editing history directly. He had all of it deleted shortly after his October 2010 resignation. Other administrators foolishly restored it, so it was destroyed (all traces, including logs) by Anthony G Kelly in October 2011. One of the worst examples of Wikipedia admins censoring the database, in order to "protect" a friend. The only remaining traces of his activity are RFA, noticeboard, Arbcom pages, and a few buried diffs. This diff of his old talkpage shows numerous abusive admins begging him to return--it also shows that William McWhinney disliked Everette, for being a bad writer as well as a plagiarist.
I'd tell you about his 2010 attempt to "resign", or about his fondness for spanking Boy Scouts, but it is so stupid you will not believe it, and there's not enough hours in a day.
Last edited by ericbarbour on Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:51 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 2023 ArbCom election

Post by ChaosMeRee » Fri Nov 24, 2023 4:35 am

DYK ..... that English Wikipedia Arbitrator Opabinia regalis was designated "inactive" for the whole of 2023, a period in which the Committee "had trouble maintaining a healthy quorum" according to Arbitrator Barkeep49.

Since it wasn't exactly a surprise* that Opabinia took the whole of 2023 off, one wonders why the fuck Barkeep49 or any of the other stupid bastards didn't kick her lazy ass out and add her vacant seat to the election in December 2022? As far as I know that's allowed in the rules. And if it isn't, lolwut?

If you're Sdrqaz, you gotta be pissed at this total dysfunction. Unlike this year, that 2022 election was at least kind of a contest (10 Admin candidates, 8 vacant seats) and he was unlucky to miss out, finishing 9th, only 2.1% behind Guerillero, who polled 69.32%.

He actually should be really pissed, because he finished miles ahead of the Admin in 10th, Tamzin, kicking her ass by a clear 20%, despite the fact both were the clear rookies of the field, passing RfA in the previous March and May respectively.

Really really pissed in fact, because in the 2021 election, Sdrqaz's performance in 2022 would have cleared the bar easily, finishing in sixth place. A respectable 10% behind two time former Arbitrator Opabinia, and a hilarious ~1.7% ahead of the man at the bottom of that pile, none other than two time former Arbitrator Beeblebrox.

Ordinarily you wouldn't even consider a candidate who has only been an Administrator for nine months, but I bet people would have taken that over an empty chair! I bet they're definitely all wondering, how likely is it that this guy would be an even bigger embarrassment than Beeblebrox?

* - since she had actually signed off five months earlier in July 2022, and had only stood in the 2021 reluctantly, having planned to spend that election "sitting on my couch with a bowl of popcorn" but then "tossed her hat in" at the "last minute" because she had committed to "step up if we got to the last day of the nomination period and there weren't enough women running".

One wonders if the only reason Opabinia wasn't asked to kindly fuck off at the close of 2022 and let someone else have a shot, is because she has ovaries where her testicles should be (if you know how she rolls when she is in the chair, that is a super funny joke!). Scandalous if true. Man up, you pussies.

How healthy would the quorum have been, had Sdrqaz been present and correct for the whole of 2022? They seem super keen to get going. A!though of course if they had been elected in 2022, this year's election would look even more laughable.

I note that Sdrqaz studiously avoids pronouns in their user page (I'm pretty sure {non-breaking space} is not a pronoun, but you never know these days!), and uses their user page to tell people they don't know everything and to tell them "if you see me getting full of myself, take me down a peg or two". Added to the fact they have pictures of adorable animals in there too, and I think it's pretty clear they might actually be an Ovary-Human just like Opabinia.

So they should be really really really pissed at being passed over (but won't be, 'cos nature and shit!)

Apologies in advance to Sdrqaz if this swerve into bio-speculation science affects their results. But that's just Wikipedia, you know how they be.

And since I am an expert in bio-science, in light of the new evidence, I can now advise Sdrqaz to alter their statement so that it is not unduly affected by her species' well known trait of hiding their light under a bush and all too readily assuming she is a goldfish in a man's world. Get your big girl pants on and tell us what *you* think. Tell us what *you* will do. Do it with confidence and the reassurance that anyone who beats Beeblebrox without having ever even done the job and not even been an Admin for a year, is probably doing something right. Can probably run the damn thing, truth be told.

Now you're a year older and you only have Robert and last year's you to beat. For a man the would be easy, cos he 'ain't got his official sheriff's badge and he is probably a she. But for a goldfish, you might still have to give it your very best shot.

Be more Opabinia. Just not too much. She can be kind of a harpee, and a little too into the bad boys.

Together we can shoot for the moon.

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Re: 2023 ArbCom election

Post by Bbb23sucks » Mon Nov 27, 2023 11:04 pm

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Re: 2023 ArbCom election

Post by Bbb23sucks » Mon Nov 27, 2023 11:31 pm

I wonder if Xaosflux will ever run for ArbCom. He seems like the kind of technocrat they have been missing since Xeno left.
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Re: 2023 ArbCom election

Post by ChaosMeRee » Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:18 pm

A typical Wikipediocracy fuckwit wrote:Probably won’t happen but it would be hilarious if backlash against the Beeblebrox removal resulted in both incumbents getting tossed and therefore the first ever non-admin Arb being elected.
Try definitely won't happen.

Why would there even be a backlash? You can count the number of people upset by this development on one hand, and half of those have shut the fuck up once their misunderstandings about what happened were corrected.

And why would anyone single out two Arbitrators for punishment when the decision was a collective and unanimous one? Only a pathetic little weasel would do such a thing. It's what someone like Vigilant would do.

Last but not least, voting against the two incumbents does not mean Robert McClenon automatically gets in. They have to also vote for Robert. And in an election where there is a very real chance he could get a seat even without that "backlash" based on his past performances, people will be voting oppose to make sure he doesn't get above the minimum threshold. People who previously didn't want to be that cruel when it wasn't likely to be necessary.

There are plenty of people on Wikipedia who would rather have an empty seat than a non-Administrator. And I would be willing to bet quite a few of them are the sort of asshole who has supported Beeblebrox in the past. People who think being an Administrator entitles you to be an absolute asshole who picks and chooses which rules he follows.

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Re: 2023 ArbCom election

Post by Bbb23sucks » Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:27 pm

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Re: 2023 ArbCom election

Post by ericbarbour » Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:13 am

Bbb23sucks wrote:
Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:27 pm
Z1720 just registered on WPO: https://wikipediocracy.com/forum/member ... ile&u=5130
Asses must be kissed everywhere and anywhere. Z1720 must like the flavor.
Last edited by ericbarbour on Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2023 ArbCom election

Post by badmachine » Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:50 am

imagine licking the gooch grease of some wikipedian 🤢

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