Why you should delete your social media accounts

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Graaf Statler
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Why you should delete your social media accounts

Post by Graaf Statler » Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:19 am

Someone who I consider as a friend of my and absolute a Wikipedia victim send me this link today and I think it is a interesting one because it's about the additional part of social media. And we have noticed many times before the Wikipedia cult is additional too. The cult members behave themself as addicts.

There are a few very interesting aspects in what he is saying, and one fits in the theory Wikipedia nowadays is absolute not what the founders had in mind. Because, yes, I know Jimmy did a lot of extreem stupide things, made bad choices and was from time to time a tremendous jerk (What he knows himself the best.), but is this wikipedia really what he wants? Or what Doc James wants? I don't believe one single word of it.
A while ago Eric pointed at John Brinkley, the goat-gland doctor. And I think the situation is about the same, a new absolute useful medium was invented, but no-one understood the danger of it.
The guy was even close by to be the Governor of Kansas. And when they found out what was really going on complete America was in shock and was crying for regulation.

Regulation is despaired needed here too. Because it is absolute clear nor the community's, nor the chapters and WMF, nor the trustees and the so called founder and the director can control the situtuation anymore. Or the silicon firms can handle the situation anymore.
Because they can understand themself hoping for a Jullia Reda wonder is just fooling yourself. Just like claiming o, that guys on Sucks are just a bunch of trolls. Because we are simple not, we are a few sober people in this addicted world who understand exacte what is going on. We are talking about a modern monster of Frankenstein, wiki-Faust, something what traps people, just like Brinkley was trapped in his one shit storys.

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