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Steve Scalise

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:04 am
by Strelnikov
We need to be honest about that guy, because I'm getting a vibe that he will die in the hospital.

Why the House Majority Whip spoke to a White Nationalist Hate Group, Slate, 2014.

Quote: "On Monday the House of Representatives’ majority whip, Steve Scalise of Louisiana, confirmed that he gave at least one speech to a recognized white nationalist hate group, the European-American Unity and Rights Organization. EURO was founded by David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard. The May 2002 conference Scalise participated in was billed as a workshop on protecting white “civil rights” and “heritage.”

According to a conference attendee who posted on Stormfront, a white supremacist forum, Rep. Scalise spoke about how the Department of Housing and Urban Development was a “slush fund” that gave money away to “a selective group based on race.” "

Steve Scalise Voted Against Martin Luther King Holiday Twice, PoliticsUSA, 2014.

Quote: "In 1999, Scalise cast one of only three votes against establishing the holiday. In 2004, he was just one of six lawmakers to vote down a bill to make MLK day a state holiday. 90 lawmakers supported the measure. Scalise continues to deny that he had any knowledge of EURO’s white supremacist ideology, though one would think the name itself provides a bit of clue.

While rejecting the Martin Luther King holiday doesn’t necessarily out Scalise as a hardcore white nationalist, it does suggest that his views on race are suspect at best. He says he detests hate groups. Then he awkwardly compares a hate group to the League of Women Voters. That bizarre comparison reveals how unoffensive he really finds white supremacists....."

If he lives, he has a chance to crawl out of the racialist Right gutter; if he dies, he becomes an Alt-Right martyr (and they will claim him, even if his family denounces their homage.)