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Twitter is an evil monster

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:37 pm
by ericbarbour
because people are often evil monsters, and Twitter is a great way to amplify one's personal monstrosity.

Consider the new Peter Rabbit animated movie. Twitter is full of assholes screaming #BoycottPeterRabbit this week. Over a PG-rated cartoon.

https://community.kidswithfoodallergies ... -in-danger ... lergy.html ... ac42f55909

For once the libertarians are right: ... g-a-food-a

Re: Twitter is an evil monster

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:35 am
by ericbarbour
Nolan Bushnell, unquestionably a major pioneer in video gaming, was up for yet another award. And a Twitter campaign started against him, because "we think he did sexist things at Atari back in the 1970s" or "they had a HOT TUB" or somesuch. Unfortunately, the many women hired by Atari (a company that was unusually tolerant by the standards of the era) seem to remember it differently. ... 1822930057

Re: Twitter is an evil monster

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:03 am
by ericbarbour
Oh mama this is a giant pile of steaming feces.....for years Quinn Norton was treated like a digital hero on Wikipedia, because of one thing: she was a "Girlfriend Of Aaron Swartz" and therefore "important". But she took a job with the New York Times yesterday, and then hell broke loose. Then she lost the job. Why? Because "certain activists" had been digging thru her old Twitter posts and decided she was a "fascist". Apparently being on speaking terms with weev and using the word "faggot" on Twitter is enough to hang you as a "bad bad bad person". Personally I thought her Twitter wasn't all that outrageous--there are FAR worse people on there, drawing far more followers. But whatever. ... hours.html

And of course this was posted on Metafilter, and of course the result was a massive thread of shrieking butthurt. Notice that no one is talking about Aaron Swartz anymore. (Unless, of course, they want to use the "she sold him out to the Feds" business.) ... undamental

And of course people are now fighting and screeching over her Wikipedia bio. Already. It is being pwed by BrillLyle, a "prominent Wikipedia feminist". She has quadrupled the length of the article in only a few hours. ... le_cleanup

Guess what: her article was originally created in 2006 by an SPA that did nothing else. And was later edited by Swartz himself. ... s/RSnotRSS

Re: Twitter is an evil monster

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:23 am
by Strelnikov
ericbarbour wrote:Oh mama this is a giant pile of steaming feces.....for years Quinn Norton was treated like a digital hero on Wikipedia, because of one thing: she was a "Girlfriend Of Aaron Swartz" and therefore "important". But she took a job with the New York Times yesterday, and then hell broke loose. Then she lost the job. Why? Because "certain activists" had been digging thru her old Twitter posts and decided she was a "fascist". Apparently being on speaking terms with weev and using the word "faggot" on Twitter is enough to hang you as a "bad bad bad person". Personally I thought her Twitter wasn't all that outrageous--there are FAR worse people on there, drawing far more followers. But whatever. ... hours.html

And of course this was posted on Metafilter, and of course the result was a massive thread of shrieking butthurt. Notice that no one is talking about Aaron Swartz anymore. (Unless, of course, they want to use the "she sold him out to the Feds" business.) ... undamental

And of course people are now fighting and screeching over her Wikipedia bio. Already. It is being pwed by BrillLyle, a "prominent Wikipedia feminist". She has quadrupled the length of the article in only a few hours. ... le_cleanup

Guess what: her article was originally created in 2006 by an SPA that did nothing else. And was later edited by Swartz himself. ... s/RSnotRSS

All this screaming, because she is a friend of weev, TechnoEmissary of National Socialism. Nobody will forget this little number Image for as long as computers exist.

Re: Twitter is an evil monster

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:00 am
by ericbarbour
Oh, we could go on about weev for weeks. He's basically a classic Internet troll--talks tough on Daily Stormer or on some hacker IRC channel. And he probably deserves some "free speech" no matter how mean or pathetic his talk becomes. He's basically David Gerard with swastika tattoos. Now that is pathetic. Even Gerard can hold a job occasionally.

IMO people only "take weev seriously" because he knows how to fuck a few things up and get publicity.

Even the little boys of Dramatica are turning against him now.....remember that Zaiger went from "hero" to pariah in a few days.....Two Great Heroes Of The Internet, both reduced to couchsurfing and sponging off their girlfriends.
you know Weev is literally a jew right?

Re: Twitter is an evil monster

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:23 am
by ericbarbour
Oh wait, that's right, Zaiger can't surf anyone's couch because HE'S IN JAIL ... ad482.html

Oh the humanity, who will take care of his Twitter now??

Re: Twitter is an evil monster

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:58 pm
by Strelnikov
ericbarbour wrote:Oh wait, that's right, Zaiger can't surf anyone's couch because HE'S IN JAIL ... ad482.html

Oh the humanity, who will take care of his Twitter now??

Better jail than having his high or drunk ass bothering the out-of-season tourists.

Maybe this will shock him out of his fuckstickery.

Re: Twitter is an evil monster

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:56 am
by ericbarbour
Strelnikov wrote:Better jail than having his high or drunk ass bothering the out-of-season tourists.

Or posting whatever stupid shit on his precious, non-public Twitter:
He don't want nobody BOTHERING him, I suppose. Whilst he begs pathetically like Wimpy.

Maybe this will shock him out of his fuckstickery.

Supposedly he's been in and out of the local hoosegow several times, for petty crimes (bad checks, shoplifting, whatever). And it's all a BEEEG SEKRET. So, his stick will get longer and girthier I would presume.

Re: Twitter is an evil monster

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:13 am
by Strelnikov
Speaking of Aaron Swartz, last weekend the "top of the dial" satellite TV channel Free Speech TV ran the 2014 documentary on Swartz's life, The Internet's Own Boy, and behold!, that movie is available for free on Internet Archive, because Swartz helped create the Creative Commons semi-copyright.

And Eric is right, the interest in Swartz and the stuff he had been doing faded fast - hell, even "Aaron's Law", the bit of legislation to modify the 1980s Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (the sledgehammer law U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz and prosecutor Stephen Heymann had built the bulk of their case around) is just sitting in Congress with no sponsors and no push to be examined and approved. Meanwhile Heymann is keeping an very low profile, while Ortiz quit government law and moved into private practice*, and we know both were sent death threats and their social media accounts were hacked into during the lead-up to the trial that never happened, an element The Internet's Own Boy doesn't mention at all.


* Possibly to pay for high psychiatry bills because Swartz's ghost visits nightly, "and the drugs aren't working, doctor!"

Heymann drove a previous hacker, Jonathan James, to kill himself in 2008. That might be why he has vanished to the back room.

[Forgot to add that Jimbo appears for less than a minute in the film, in news footage from when he shut Wikipedia down to protest SOPA.]

Re: Twitter is an evil monster

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:39 pm
by ericbarbour
The media is full of this today: ... tech-trend ... 7a7b42af81

Golly Batman, it sure took a LONG time for the "nabobs" of YouTube and Facebook to toss InfoWars. They only acted when the shrieking about his conspiracy theories and occasional "Jewish banker" nonsense (most of said shrieking being on Twitter, oddly enough) became too loud to ignore. He's been doing this identical shtick online since the 1990s, and NOW they notice him? NOW he's suddenly an "anti-Semite"? But hey, Jack Dorsey thinks Alex is A-OK for Twitter, because REASONS. It's obvious to me Twitter puts up with him for the same reason they let Trump post incoherent rants. It brings traffic and money. ALL HAIL THE DOLLAR. Free speech as long as DOLLAR.

Funny how little I see in this "coverage" about a REAL reason to shut Jones up: his petty attacks on victims of school shootings. We need a comedian to point that out.
pattonandjack.jpg (68.97 KiB) Viewed 5449 times

Oh btw, from 2016: ... emite.html
The first answer is that Jones’ Jewish mafia talk is not new at all. In fact, he has made similar comments in the past at moments when he’s tried to criticize explicit anti-Semites for personally attacking him for the ethnic Jewishness of some of his family members.....Whether intentionally or not, he’s clearly using anti-Semitic dog whistles—and has been for a long time—to criticize Israel affiliated groups and institutions. But these are groups that Jews themselves sometimes criticize, and he hasn’t historically framed the argument as Jews being at the top of some global conspiracy theory.

Funny how these things can fester for 20 years and suddenly, some manic culture warrior (left or right doesn't really matter) flips a switch, and so-and-so MUST BE SILENCED IMMEDIATELY. But money still talks. What a paranoid, hypocritical and juvenile culture we live in.

This is the oldest capture I could find, from 2002: ...

And this is the oldest capture, from 1999: ...

He's a vaudeville entertainer, okay? Not a very good one, but hey, everyone has to dance for their chosen audience (of mostly idiots). And I will be willing to bet $100 right now that InfoWars will mysteriously find itself with a new YouTube account 2-3 years from now. After the outrage machine forgets all about Alex Jones and moves on to a new target.