Picnicking with madam gender

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Re: Picnicking with madam gender

Post by Graaf Statler » Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:35 am

What nice madam Gender!

And now for something completely different, a Chinese woman playing an erhu.

It is dedicated to Crowsnest over on Sucks, who is was the only person there worth reading. No idea what is going on over ther.

Indeed is Crow the only active critical worth reading. He is good informed, to the point, and nerver try to sell bullshit. The success of his approch is proven, see the invation of our neighbours.

And me? i am not a critcal of the English wikipedia at al. Because that should be rediciles, I should cry with the wolves.
If I should want to be a critical of WP-En I had first to do the same research like Eric, Steln, Crow and properly many others did.


What have I done so far.

*I have complained about the not follow of the Dutch copyright law from 2009 on of WP-nl, because in my opinion it would end up in a disaster. What indeed happend with the latest European copyright reform. The content of WP-Nl with all its rats and snakes in it is worthless in the future and all the donor money what is spent on it is spoilt and lost.

*I have complained about the Sweety way of moderating and running Arbcom.

*I have complained about the perverse money streams in the chapter and the complete leak of resul of the Dutch chapter. You can read yourself in the WMF reportage about gender approchI I was 100% right and I still don't understand why the hard porn articles of Alice what made Sandra so proud should attract more women. But you never can say of course.

*I have writen a few articles only for my own fun and to train my writing skills. If the where not good enough I still don't understand the Natuur 12 and Ymnes drama what let to a Global Lock and a Global Ban. Why not just deleted them? i had absolute not complained because I had given them long before with the right to use them to Guido for his Wikisage.

* I am not aware of any harmful socks or edits. And the same for Wikiquote. If the standard of my work was too low, what is seen my leak of education very likely, why not just deliting my work? Why the chapter trolling of Romaine and Vinvught?

*I have told from the fist moment on my level of edication is extreem low, I claimed in 2009 a LTS level, a lower technical school level. What seems fair to me.

*I stay as much as possible out of English wiki topics on Sucks and other drama boards because I was never a serious editor there. I made only about 80 edits and aided one by my written article about the wife of Varoufakis. What is accepted.

Here you can read it about the whole story in Dutch with links, but it contains a few rather small errors. And please don't ask me why Mdd has created it. Here he writes a explanation in Dutch, but I mis complet the goal of the page because as explained every bridge is burned, and we are standing of two sites of a wild river.

But maybe Mdd will explane here on Sucks why he created that page so we can have a polite discussion about it.
Polite I stipulate.


And that is where my critism stops, exept on the wikisystem as a whole. So I am indeed a very unimportant critical. But try to find a consensus between the tree house residents with there IQ 200+ bullshit and and Crow and me is in one word insane. Because all bridges between us are on fire as you have seen.

Let them stay on there childish Discord with Abd in late in his seventys playing like a twelve year old boy in his three house with all kind of levels, just let them.

But please not here!

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Re: Picnicking with madam gender

Post by CrowsNest » Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:40 am

Posted a comment....
It's basically a coup. Kumioko was sent by Wikipediocracy as an advance party, not with his knowledge of course, and he did what he does, shitting up the place. I told them what he was and what they should do, they ignored me, then only after they finally realized I was right, they binned him off. But they think they can somehow use their failure as the excuse to usher in a new era, with all the rules and other bullshit that would be familiar to how Wikipedia/Wikipediocracy is run.

For some reason they thought I'd be OK with that, as If I'd forgotten the whole point of the forum is to offer a workable alternative to Wikipediocracy. The mysterious moderator JuiceBeetle is behind it all, and it would totally not be a surprise to learn he is a disaffected Wikipedian of the Wikipediocracy stripe. He's certainly no high functioning critic, as hard as he tries. He's deleting, merging and pruning stuff left right and centre, all to hide the worst of my cutting criticism of his laughable attempts at moderation, while keeping some of it visible, out of some apparent belief he's doing me a favour.

Frustrated that he can't shut me up but has no real reason to seek my banning, he's being as cute and provocative as any of these people who get elevated to the position but who clearly cannot discharge it effectively. The simple fact is he talks too much (and largely in riddles) and doesn't listen enough. He had options, choices, ways to avoid the car crash. That he did not take them, seems to indicate not incompetence, but malevolence. But as you know, a forum that hides its dirty laundry in the private areas out of sheer shame, is a forum whose evident dysfunction will be very hard to truly understand for onlookers. Classic Wikipediocracy tactic.

Maybe he has the backing of the owners/Administrators in what he's doing, and there is at least some indication he does, but I would also not be surprised if keeping them in the dark about everything he's done, is deliberate. The guy clearly thinks he can treat me like some punk ass gendered insult, letting people not fit to lick my boots pillory my knowledge and record, with nothing but jealousy being behind it, all while there is supposedly a Wikipediocracy style don't insult each other rule in effect, preventing me from having my right of reply, a mistake they made during the Kumioko advance party. And for that alone, he is paying the price.

The Autumn Wind doesn't roll like that. The Autumn Wind is a Raider. Now that's some divine Japanese poetry right there, no?
....although hilariously because she still has me on moderation, it's not visible yet. Ah well. I did tell her.

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Re: Picnicking with madam gender

Post by Graaf Statler » Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:41 pm

Madam Gender wrote:It just occurred to me to wonder whether the current Sucks moderator is a native speaker of English. If not, their English is very very good, but you don’t often see them use a lot of slang, which made me wonder. Of course given the multi-lingual background of the other Sucks posters, that would be a plus to communication.

It could also explain some of their responses to you — they may not understand your concerns unless you post in very clear and plain language. But it also looks like this Singora is being given leave to develop the “intellectual” thread as a sort of puff piece – or maybe hit piece on other forum members – with no criticisms permitted. I share your concern about the potential lack of balance on the blog if all the reality checks are being moved to an invisible members-only forum. This is doubly concerning since the alt-right white supremacist crowd is now on the move and looking for a new home since Auggie’s demise. Don’t forget that not only is Breitbart not a reliable source for Wikipedia, but that the Breitbart/Steve Bannon/Milo Yiannopoulos/pedophilia axis was considered too extreme for even the Trump White House.

I had also wondered if you had given any thought to starting your own forum or blog. A WordPress subdomain is free, it would give you a place to communicate if you have a falling out with another forum. and it is totally under your control. I was interested in your reaction to the Fram business, and am a little sad that your remarks are buried somewhere in a place that is not very searchable, and now subject to being deleted at any moment. Such is the nature of forums, and of moderation.

That was I was thinking too, I think it would be wise if Crow started his own place. Because it's complete clear to me a group of users of a "other blood group" has found here there home and is feeling safe because of the protection of the total corrupt trollmod Juicy.

That is fine, it's Eric and Steln there place and if they want to give it away as a free space for total rubbish postings as Singora's “intellectual” thread", what of course a wikipediocrazy troll magnet is, is that up to them. But it is of cource cristal clear Crow and also I doesn't feel at home anymore in this Zoloft Wikipediocrazy clone with all kind of secret fora.

But as noticed before if they want to screw up this place complete, who am I to forbide them to do so? Everything in this life is a matter of choises and they made this choise. And maybe they can make Prinsess and Abd a mod here too. Abd was already alking on the behave of the mangement, so why not?

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Re: Picnicking with madam gender

Post by CrowsNest » Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:02 am

Confirmation for GD that I authored the comment just now that includes "I hereby grant you".

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