
Editors, Admins and Bureaucrats blecch!
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Graaf Statler
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Post by Graaf Statler » Tue Apr 02, 2019 4:41 pm

Bart wrote:Toch wél, maar jij niet, en hier zou ik het bij willen laten, zeker omdat je ook nog begint te dreigen met een dagvaarding, een compleet loos dreigement: saluut!

Graaf Statler wrote:IK zit een modeltrein te bouwen, en vernoem Wikipedia niet eens. Ik mail niemand nix. Kortom, fuck off Bart!

Leave me alone. Ik wil een blauwe loc bouwen, net zoals die groene loc ernaast. Opgebouwd uit restanten, ik heb een airbrush, dan kan ik net als bij die groene lock delen blauw spuiten want hij bestaat niet in het blauw.


Fuck off, idioten en laat me verder rust! Na nu al jaren gespamd te zijn met allerlei linkjes naar wikipedia getroll en hoe leuk mensen wel niet aan het sokpoppen zijn ben ik het nu totaal zat! Het is niet alleen maar dat gelazer van jouw, Bart, maar ook van De Wikischim en anderen, met allerlei sturende, doorzichtige vragen, het toevoegen van email adressen van anderen, "wanhoop oproepen" naar mijn advocaat er tussen door gooien die dan plotseling wordt toegevoegd, en ga zo maar door!

Ik ben het spuugzat en de volgende die dit doet loopt inderdaad een gerede kans een advocaat en een rekening achter zijn flikker aan te krijgen. Laat me met rust! Is het zo duidelijk Bart en de rest? Hou hier mee op, ik ben geen bot die je kunt besodemieteren op deze manier. Je bent nu al goddomme dagen me aan het spammen over een berichtje van je wat hier niet geplaatst zou zijn, god beter het over de Italiaanse Wikipedia waar ik nog nooit gepost hebt, en als klap op de vuurpeil krijg ik gisteravond een berichtje over de Wikipediocrazy server of ik aan de drugs ben. En je bent nu begonnen WO vol te spammen met allerlei onzin over mij. Kom op zeg!

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Graaf Statler
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Re: @Bart.Gmail

Post by Graaf Statler » Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:09 pm

Vigilant wrote:
A grievous loss that we have not welcomed these two travelling scholars to our little soiree.

Fuck off too, Vigilant. And try to find help for your visual editor complex. Maybe Doc James know someone who can help you.
Last edited by Graaf Statler on Thu Apr 04, 2019 2:25 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: @Bart.Gmail

Post by Graaf Statler » Wed Apr 03, 2019 8:55 pm

Dysk wrote:But of course as you must know the extreem danger of European copyright will do that anyway, no need to trouble yourself. :ugeek:

Exact. Why for the hell should I take the trouble to destroy a self destroying system what already destroyed is? Why should I try to do what the EU can do much better and effective than I? It is in one word rediciles!

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Re: @Bart.Gmail

Post by Graaf Statler » Thu Apr 04, 2019 2:23 am

Graaf Statler wrote:
Vigilant wrote:
A grievous loss that we have not welcomed these two travelling scholars to our little soiree.

Fuck off too, Vigilant. And try to find help for your visual editor complex. Maybe Doc James know someone who can help you.

@Bart, it was just a joke. Vig is complete right about this spoiling of donor money. And he know I agree complete with him. Vig is OK.

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Re: @Bart.Gmail

Post by Graaf Statler » Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:59 am

My god.

Versieck wrote:Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:46 pm"

Stop eens met die drugs

*Jij ziet spoken en jij lijdt aan een bijzonder hardnekkige vorm van paranoia en andere soorten waanzin,
*Ik heb nooit - maar dan ook ooit - gelogen, en heb ook totaal die bedoeling of intentie niet.
*dan ga ik er ook maar vanuit dat jij wél hebt gelogen over je "vriendschap" met Ausma en consoorten: bewijs 0,0!

Dear Bart, the only thing what happend is I god emails in the same style from EdodeRoo, also unwanted, and when Edo started to insults me and Mr Ausma I said, please Edo stop this otherwise you will meet my lawyer, Mr. Ausma. And when Edo didn't believe me I invited Edo to call him, after I had discussed that with Mr Ausma. And that is all. I never said he is a friend of me, that is all fantasy just like the rest of the story.

And to you I only explained I don't want to find this kind mails in my mailbox again. Not from you, and not from other Wiki hero's. And that I was not interested in all kind of links to sockpuppetry story's. Because I now get this kind of emails mails for years and years, first from De Wikischim, later for Edo, and now from you. I said only basta, that was all.

Midesize Jake wrote:Okay, so please help us out here, Mr. Versieck. Mr. Statler's complaint seems to be that you've sent him unwanted and/or unsolicited e-mails. Could that conceivably be true?

Maybe it was one of those situations where you sent him what you thought was a "friendly" e-mail, and he either didn't respond at all, or responded without actually asking you to stop? And now he's referring to it in retrospect as if you were "spamming" him...? (I'm just guessing here, but things like that do happen.)

I wouldn't quite put it past Mr. Statler to have simply made the whole thing up, but other than the fact that he refers to you as a "chapter mole," I don't see what his motivation would be to make up stories about you in particular.

OK, Somey. Bart is just a advanced Dutch chapter member. But what else can you expect of senior editors who went with a pirate flag in there hand shouting we are no bots to the Euro parliament with Jullia Reda in front of there parade?
I was glad at least they were for the first time in years in the fresh air. But for the next time it is absolute a better idea if the Dutch chapter organise there pirate games in a wood, with a pirate picnic at the end, that is better for there longs and health in general you know. Doc James can tell you for sure more about the benefits from fresh air and trees for this kind of people. Sometimes they even talk with threes, did you know that?
And as I have explained many times before is WMF a blessing for us tax payers, because it is not our money, so we don't care and stimulate this kind of add for the weaker of our society and it keeps them most times from the street. In fact I am a bit angry with Alex Voss he stopped this pirate game in a brute way you know.

Vig wrote:A grievous loss that we have not welcomed these two travelling scholars to our little soiree.

He viste first our little soirées too, but Eric just kicked him out met een pisboog. But is it OK if I continue my little gender friendly train project now? Because for sure the Dutch and Belgium chapter boys like that too. And not understanding jokes and a obsession for spellings errors is typical for this kind of guys.

Here, I want a blue blue locomotive. But have to spray with a airbrush what I have never done before, and that is what I have to find out now and where my focus is.


Because in green it exist but not in blue. And just like the rest of the train it is just built of old Lehmann LGB junk. It is all fantasy out of the German baukasten system out of the last century. Just produce a few basic parts, and you can exchange everything. And just have a look Bart, all that story's about your laptop where just complet bullshit. I just found that blog of Madam Gender, that was all, it was complete new to me.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSAoRLl ... e=youtu.be

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