Jake and his log cabin

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Re: Jake and his log cabin

Post by CrowsNest » Sun Jun 30, 2019 1:05 pm

Bookmarked, because, well, it's total crap....
A troll on an offsite forum posted a graphic written depiction of myself engaged in sexual activity with another editor.
Naturally I was curious about what this might have referred to, since it's conceivable that people who read this might think, "oh, he said 'offsite forum' so he must be talking about Wikipediocracy." Of course that's not the case; here at Wikipediocracy we all but prohibit this sort of posting behavior
On a related note, until Vigilant posted on Wikipediocracy that Katherine Maher should probably start paying for physical security, was anyone actually believing she could be physically assualted as a direct result of FramBan?

If a security firm were drawing up a list of potential threats, how high on the list are people associated with Wikipediocracy?

You fuckers happily post pics and relish rifling through digital knicker drawers. You couldn't be giving off a bigger 'here be potential stalkers' if you tried, and it absolutely looks like it is against women specifically.

Is this a good time to remind everyone I got banned by Wikipediocracy for being too hostile? :roll:

How's the relaunch going Zoloft? Is the current frenzy how you saw your partnership with the downtrodden masses of the cult going, in a time of great Consequence like this?

Sucks to be you guys.

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Re: Jake and his log cabin

Post by Graaf Statler » Sun Jun 30, 2019 7:56 pm

Honest, Jake stopped him now and he was right. Because it can give people a unpleased feeling and it is absolute not the way to come forward or to help Fram. If you are intending to do so I mean.

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Re: Jake and his log cabin

Post by CrowsNest » Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:19 am

Look who finally found some balls.....
Anyway, you know I have great respect for your intelligence and incisiveness and all, but we're not Bond villains here. If you have in your pocket a five-step plan to destroy someone, going around telling people that you have it in your pocket is a bad idea - it just generates sympathy for the person the plan is designed for and makes you look like a "bully." Please, try to think more like the investigator and less like the judge.
Last edited by Midsize Jake on Sun Jun 30, 2019 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Inappropriately threatening sentences redacted.
You gonna take that lying down Vigilant?

Course you are. Tamer than a house cat. :lol:

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Re: Jake and his log cabin

Post by Graaf Statler » Mon Jul 01, 2019 7:50 am

I start to feel a bit sorry for mendaliv. Of course he knows he is surrounded by lunatics, he is a lawyer, but he has to act he is talking with serous people.
He is close to say fuck yourself bunch of bastards but every time he refind himself and start a new polite conversation with that bunch of idiots.

He mendaliv, do it. just do it. Say for one time you are a bunch of fucking liars and shitheads who and are telling Utter Fucking Bullshit all the time..

Only one time. It will be a relieve for you.

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Re: Jake and his log cabin

Post by CrowsNest » Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:47 am

I assume he meant to write "prompting a very on-point observation of the similarity of the current situation to the Gamergate situation from The Chairwoman of the Board Of Trustees" there, but regardless, for him to point the finger at anyone else about sexism and/or "pursuing" women in this context is the height of hypocrisy. They should definitely clean up their act A LOT before spouting stuff like that.

Besides, it's not like we haven't "targeted" Fae, Gamaliel, or even BU Rob13 here in the past. We already know very well what those guys are like, and there's no need to repeat what we already know. There are search engines for that, and in any event, it's just not credible that any of them precipitated this whole fiasco to anywhere near the same extent - they were never even "harassed" by any rational standard. But of course, Mr. Nest is the same guy who thinks Jessica Wade is some sort of Devil Woman, and my guess would be that he can't bring himself to criticize Ms. Hale because that might somehow distract people from his ridiculous, incomprehensible Wade-bashing.
Excuse me? I have been sexist when, exactly? I target Wade for very good reasons, which I have detailed at length. My reply to your analysis of her work has been on this board a while, to no apparent effect on your outlook on the wikiworld. My guess is your silence means I was right, you hadn't properly done your research, you merely slapped some half assed crap together in the hopes you could pin something on me about being a sexist or whatever. It's laughable.

I'd have been totally fine with highlighting Hale alongside Wade, as I've been trying to get you planks to appreciate, the similarities are striking, if everything you've said about Hale and gender activism and victimhood stacks up. It is your lack of interest in Wade, a more apt target in many ways, that is the real head scratcher for serious critics not interested in simply going after women because it is what certain guys do when looking for someone to blame for a man's troubles. But now, I frankly don't want people thinking we're in this together, and casual readers who can't tell the differences in our approach might make that mistake.

Like I told you, the likes of Fae, Gamaliel and Rob quite happily throw themselves into the firing line. You get no credit for freely engaging them. Easy targets. There's plenty of other men involved in the Fram controversy, powerful Wikipedia men, all likely suspects as one of the many complainants, who are not so bold and brash when it comes to facing down their critics. You've been entirely uninterested in them. I'm open to reasons that better explain it beyond what it looks like, but if you've got none, then you've got none. I gotta call it how it looks, otherwise people would think bad of me. We exist to highlight how you suck, and on the whole women thing, boy do you people suck hard.

You're not the first to accuse me of sexism for my Wade expose, and I suspect you're just going to do what that other ill prepared critic did - realize you've made a lazy error, and wind your damn neck in. I mean, you can keep coming if you want, but I can defend it all day long. I'm owed a reply from you on it already, FFS. Can you deal, is the issue? History says no. You want no part of this really, too much like serious criticism. You've not got the time or the interest.

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Re: Jake and his log cabin

Post by Graaf Statler » Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:15 am

What a cowedly shit posting from the sideline. Grow up and come over to discuss this here because this is playing the well known gender card based on nothing.

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Re: Jake and his log cabin

Post by Graaf Statler » Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:00 pm

The fact that he doesn't mention any of the things we've been discussing as precipitating people/events, and instead just refers to "at least 11 Wikipedia editors" who complained according to Smallbones, shows that he's clearly pro-WMF and lacks objectivity. But it would be a mistake to think "pro-WMF" means "anti-WP" in his case - it would actually be more accurate (IMO) to say he just doesn't accept the validity of any real criticism of anything related to Wikipedia or any of the people who run it.

? Have you also consider the possibility he has listened to REAL criticism and has formed his own opinion, Jake?

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Re: Jake and his log cabin

Post by Graaf Statler » Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:45 pm

Auggie wrote:
haha right. You didn't address the point. Your legal jibber-jabber is embarrassing and irrelevant to running an encyclopedia-like website. It's complete fantasy.

Midsize Joker wrote:Auggie, I'm going to have to ask you to please cool it on this. Sure, some of what he's posting may come close to jibber-jabber territory, but most of it is perfectly on-point and there are those of us who really do appreciate his being here and posting it. And I do vaguely recall you agreeing, at least in principle, to avoid the PvP stuff if at all possible...?

Aside from that, carry on.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Jake and his log cabin

Post by CrowsNest » Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:50 pm

Standard procedure. Some members can call other people's posts jibber jabber or whatnot, while others just can't.

Animal Farm stuff. Wikipedia imitation at its finest.

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Re: Jake and his log cabin

Post by Graaf Statler » Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:01 pm

They definitely were not, and are not. And you'd pretty much have to include Abd in that list too, even though I can't imagine them ever unbanning him at this point. (At least not voluntarily.

Me he will never mention, otherwise Vig and mister chairman doctor Proabivouac get angry. :roll:
There weak point is of course that I can proof with official rapports I am 100% metal heakty, something they never will or can. :mrgreen:

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