Gamergate 2.0

For serious discussion of the "major" forum for Wikipedia criticism and how it fails.
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Re: Gamergate 2.0

Post by Graaf Statler » Wed Aug 28, 2019 1:25 am

Carrite wrote:It's an imperfect medium, requiring constant external and internal pressure to force course corrections. And it has become a multimillion dollar enterprise headed by a cancerous bureaucracy that would make Max Weber puke — which makes the need for constant external and internal pressure even more essential.


A very sad but complete correct conclusion. Indeed a cancerous bureaucracy has taken the project over. But the community's are also not free of blame. In fact they have got the bureaucracy they deserve, they have let it all happen.

Lets been fair. Take the SanFanBan's for instace.(I know you was always against this Star Chamber system) How long is this nonsens going on? Lunatics playing around with a digital nuclear weapon? No one ever protested till one of "them" got a partial ban.
The Arbcom's. How long are they complete corrupt? Steward Trijnstel is COMPLETE rotten and corrupt and a diry cop, I have given the evidences before. Support, support support the last elections. How long is Mies now trolling around with his socks? A extreem toxic user, destroys complete wiki's with socks. But still he is a sysop.

If we, Crow, Abd, Eric and you are sitting together we only need a half hour to decide to remove Fram from the project with all the evidences. And how long is Arbcom now thinking about this complete clear case?

So who is to blame here, Tim?

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Re: Gamergate 2.0

Post by CrowsNest » Wed Aug 28, 2019 1:40 am

If such a thing existed, Wikipedia has got to be bottom of any 'reactivity to external/internal pressure' index. Lots of talk, lots of plans, lots of thoughts and prayers. Little actual change.

They have oodles of cash because they have perfected the art of telling donors they are using it to fix stuff, and it just NEVER gets fixed.

Mostly though, they are just content to be silent on MAJOR issues. Citogenisis, remember.

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Re: Gamergate 2.0

Post by CrowsNest » Fri Aug 30, 2019 11:07 am

Wikipediocracy_Site_Admin wrote:The WP folks can all read this thread now. I, for one, am still willing to entertain alternate explanations for what T&S did, but as I stated practically at the outset, just because Fram deserves a ban (and that's whether or not he really does), it doesn't mean WP doesn't have a Laura Hale problem. They do have a Laura Hale problem, and it won't be solved merely by her deciding to "vanish" and them letting her do it.
For a start, shut your pie hole about being open to alternatives, they've been posted on here for a long while, and you're all too chicken to respond.

Also, you're still not quite getting the fact that there is not one single connection between anything Laura did, and any attempted justification of Fram's treatment of her. There is no excuse for harassment. None. Nada. If people want to argue all he was doing was policy enforcement, let them try. I am still waiting for the parts of policy that excuse him, to be quoted, as would normally happen in an Arbitration Case not being influenced by shadier elements, for whose purposes there is no policy justification. Quite the reverse, in fact, as we saw in the Wikipedia Gamergate case.......
Harassment is a pattern of offensive behavior that appears to a reasonable observer to have the purpose of adversely affecting one or more targeted persons, usually (but not always) for the purpose of threatening or intimidating them. The intended outcome may be to make editing Wikipedia unpleasant for targeted persons, to undermine them, to frighten them, or to discourage them from editing entirely.
But yes, let's also explore this proposed solution to the problem. What is it? Specifically, what is the problem, and what are Wikipedians meant to be doing to fix it?

Since time immemorial, where there is no legal element to a dispute, it has been accepted that whatever someone has done on Wikipedia, they retain the right to walk away, and it is for the Wikipedians to fix whatever issues is being claimed exist. Too much feminism, is I gather, the main complaint? Feel free to correct, on the record, so it can be tested. Perhaps a blog post? CornPoke McGikkiguddy still got his typewriter?

Why is Laura not entitled to vanish? Other than her being a woman who challenged the patriarchy. What must she endure, in addition to your efforts? If you were independent of Wikipedia, that would be one thing, even better if it were possible to sue "Vigilant@Wikipediocracy" for failing to employ truth as his absolute defence, but this shit is clearly being coordinated with Wikipedia Administrators, to be disseminated on Wikipedia.

Is that your meaning of solving the problem? Just how does one ensure she isn't allowed to vanish? The obvious meaning is you want her name and these unproven (and seemingly unrpoveable) allegations smeared all over Wikipedia, for all time, for reasons that seem to have very little to do with exposing the systemic flaws of Wikipedia or achieving any kind of Wikipedia sanction, and everything to do with targeting this specific woman, destroying her completely, for.......well. You know.

The longer you pretend Jess Wade isn't a bigger problem for Wikipedia with a more urgent solution, with a far better ethical justification for use as the personification of a systemic issue by an independent platform, requiring no help or assistance from Wikipedia to prove it, the more this is looking like, know.

Speak, or be damned regardless. As you presumably mean to convey to all the women.

Me, I don't need to hear from Wade at all, if she chooses not to acknowledge concerns, as seems to be the case. She can leave, if has wants, as she has suggested at times is her preference. Which she would have surely done if her level of on-wiki harassment ever reached even a tenth of what Hale has faced at the hands of your members and customers. Not that she probably even knows of it, but she can exercise her right to vanish if she wants, erase all sign of her existence from Wikipedia for all I care.

Her exercising her ability to choose to leave, and however she wants, doesn't make a blind bit of difference to my reason for investigating her, or the ongoing relevance of my findings to Wikipedia criticism, independently published, not easily denied even if the underlying evidence is fully erased by Wikipedia, as unlikely as that is. But it would be the dignified thing to let her go, never looking back. No need to pursue her outside of the wiki, unless she continued her efforts to abuse it from outside, as is already her m.o. You found Hale doing anything like that? Or is it enough for you to merely allege it?

True independence. True ethics. True truth.

Try it some time, 'ya freaks.

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Re: Gamergate 2.0

Post by Graaf Statler » Fri Aug 30, 2019 12:15 pm

Laura should be crazy to sue "Vigilant@Wikipediocracy", because that is exacte what they want. To continue there efforts to damages her and her wife.
What Laura must do is just thinking tomorrow they will wrap fish in all that vigshit and let them alllllllll fuck themself. (What a wat of that fish!)
Never give them what they want, Laura, and don't let them fuck you with your clothes on. Just let them walk to the wikihell!

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Re: Gamergate 2.0

Post by CrowsNest » Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:10 pm

Constructing spider maps to track the movement of your two women targets across the world in some desperate attempt to stand up a conspiracy theory that was going nowhere to begin with.......


Writing fan fiction imagining the conversations you think these two women had as they conducted their grand conspiracy....


Sort of. As in, we might hide it or delete it, if someone notices how creepy we are.

Time was, these freaks hid their creepy shit in the 'creepy shit goes here' members only forum by default.

Rather obviously I guess, when your entire business model is now all about being a whole bunch of Creepy Creepersons of the House of Creep, well, I guess you need that shit to be front and centre.

Be Halloween soon. I hope they do costumes! :mrgreen:


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Re: Gamergate 2.0

Post by Graaf Statler » Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:02 pm

Be Halloween soon. I hope they do costumes :mrgreen:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But it is indeed beyond embarassing. Far beyond embarassing. And you criticised Jess Wade is not because she is a woman, no, if she had been a man you had had the same critic. Being a woman doesn't mean being immune for criticism.
But what those wikipedioidiots with robber chief Vig are doing now is simple staggering. And also with Eric, you can disagree with him, yes of course, but to wish someone a terrible illness is out of any proportion.

Jake's only right answer had to be a nice rubber stamp with "You are not welcome here anymore", and in the case of Vig a "Banned Troll" stamp as avatar for Halloween...... :mrgreen:

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Re: Gamergate 2.0

Post by CrowsNest » Tue Sep 10, 2019 12:50 am

Eagle wrote:The day will come when FA will judge how well sourced is an article by whether the references are to female researchers and if the feminist perspective is included in every article.

Mr. Vigilant has predicted a storm, and it will be quite a battle.
I think I know of a case where this kinda already happened. Not the full paranoid gamergate version he describes, but close enough that he would wet his pants at the realization how close the apocalypse he fears, really is.

Not gonna say here, just to mess with this cuckoo's head.


That right Timmy. See how I play? See how I torture you poor ignorant fucks with the superior knowledge and unbiased views that only comes from being a serious critic? Blowing my own phallus isn't even why I did it, people already know the quality of my work. No, I'm torturing you fucks, just for the sheer fun of it. Just because, in your stupidity, hiding under Uncle Jake's skirts while he tries to reassure you I can't hurt you because of his genius plan to protect you smurfs by pretending I am you and you are me, you're getting stupid. Brash even. Proper GG stuff.

Y'all sleep sound tonight. I think you got enough time to maybe finish one more article, before the stench of oestrogen becomes intolerable for you Old Timers and you all have to pull your Wikipediocracy issued escape hatch lever. I nearly said finish an FA, but then I realized you don't go in for all that quality rating business for your grifting. Can't recall what your excuse was, but being mad that it's a process controlled by women seems plausible enough, right? On this evidence.

Listen to Eric. It's not 15% women, they were lying to you. They're EVERYWHERE.

Boo! :twisted:


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Re: Gamergate 2.0

Post by CrowsNest » Tue Sep 10, 2019 9:57 pm

Well, you knew this was where they were heading...... ... _by_motion

Took 'em a while.

BURN THE WITCH :twisted:

Seriously, these people aren't right in the head.

Right on cue, Wikipediocracy has issued a reminder about what happens to feminists on their watch.... ... 56#p249956

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Re: Gamergate 2.0

Post by CrowsNest » Fri Sep 13, 2019 1:38 pm

The quest continues..... ... d=19373690

Across hill and down dale, the Hell Hounds pursued their prey.

Sick bastards.

How many times is this guy going to be allowed to say, well, I haven't got the evidence to hand, but I believe strongly in my gut, to argue his harassment is just and warranted....... :roll:

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Re: Gamergate 2.0

Post by Dysklyver » Fri Sep 13, 2019 2:33 pm

CrowsNest wrote: Various things about attempts to unvanish Ms. Hale.

Jesus Christ these people just don't stop. :?

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