Wikipedia pauses edits to senior Sun hack

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Wikipedia pauses edits to senior Sun hack

Post by Bbb23sucks » Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:11 pm

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Re: Wikipedia pauses edits to senior Sun hack

Post by ChaosMeRee » Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:39 am

Always fun to examine the words of Wikipedia's so called reliable sources in hindsight.....
"" wrote:In the UK, there has been a concerted effort from mainstream conservatives to depict Corbyn, and by extension the whole Labour party, as a deadly threat to the nation. His past associations with Palestinian activists and Irish nationalists; his opposition to British overseas military action – all these and more can be criticised or defended on their own merits, but in the right’s narrative they make Labour not only objectionable but democratically illegitimate.

The election has raised this to a fever pitch – and it comes after three years in which the pro-Brexit right has portrayed anyone who appears to stand in its way as an enemy of the people, to borrow the Daily Mail’s pungent phrase. Today, Boris Johnson launched his last week of election campaigning by trailing a speech in which he accuses Corbyn of a “great betrayal” over Brexit.
Not for the first time, the right wing of UK politics had their finger exactly on the pulse of the nation.

Boris Johnson won a historic majority in that election and the Labour Party later ejected Corbyn as an anti-semite. He now haunts them as the classic "Independent".

The Conservative party has since unwisely dumped man of the people Johnson in favour of an awkward upper class immigrant technocrat, via a calamitous economy crashing experiment with a third women PM, while Labour has inexorably rowed back on its experiment in Corbyn militancy such that it is now led by a white career civil servant who stands with Israel and economic orthodoxy, and who wouldn't even know how to spell charisma.

Labour have a double digit poll lead, and people are still not totally sure they are going to win. Their stumbling over Israel's so called right to defend itself has disgusted their base and the swing voters they need to win. They could yet snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, which would be totally in their tradition.

This nation is deeply Conservative. Declaring the Daily Mail to be "generally unreliable" sourced to The Guardian was always going to look like what it was. The act of a left wing movement masquerading as a neutral encyclopedia.

Even if Labour wins, the trains won't be nationalised, Brexit won't be reversed (the EU certainly doesn't let governments run the railways, it is only Brexit that gives a UK government that option, should the people ever vote for a militant like Corbyn as PM), and Israel won't become any more of an international parish than it already is.

The poor and working class will still be screwed, because the left's strategy for helping them is as old as the hills. It never works. They will be voted out after five years, with the nation having not progressed (nor in all likelihood regressed) in that time.

The Guardian will blame the right, and it will be interesting to see what labels they are using for them by then. Super-Nazis?

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Re: Wikipedia pauses edits to senior Sun hack

Post by Bbb23sucks » Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:57 pm

ChaosMeRee wrote:
Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:39 am
Not for the first time, the right wing of UK politics had their finger exactly on the pulse of the nation.

Boris Johnson won a historic majority in that election and the Labour Party later ejected Corbyn as an anti-semite. He now haunts them as the classic "Independent".
There was a concerted campaign to remove him: ... wn-corbyn/

He polls far higher than Starmer, but they would rather lose than let him win.
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