The Rambling Man

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Re: The Rambling Man

Post by Simplification » Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:53 pm

The Rambling Man is saying what everyone is already aware of. Fact is that The Rambling Man is the part of the whole problem. Many editors quit Wikipedia because of him and admins are breaching policies only so that they can safeguard him.

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Re: The Rambling Man

Post by Graaf Statler » Fri Jun 22, 2018 5:32 pm

Simplification wrote:The Rambling Man is saying what everyone is already aware of. Fact is that The Rambling Man is the part of the whole problem. Many editors quit Wikipedia because of him and admins are breaching policies only so that they can safeguard him.

If everyone is aware of what he is saying, and I suppose WMF too, why are they keep going accelerating right in to a dead end? With full throttle and after burner?

And why don't they look for a staff with any vision instate of I love cheeseburgers James Alexander, ostrich Jan Gerlach, and I dans trow this life, fact checkers, fuckt checkers Katherine Maher?
I suppose if you pay salary's of100k, 200k 300k, it's absolute possible to find a more competent staff. I mean, flying tourist class because you are charity organisation is fine, but if a organisation throw away it's money to all kind of bullshit jobs it seems to me penny wise and pound foolish, isn't it? And contraproductief, because in this way they are sunk like the Titanic , long, long before 2030. There are plenty of icebergs, and trying to sail without a captain seems to me a poor plan. It's like flying a Boeing with a crew who learned flying on there playstation.

And be aware, it is absolute possible to upgrade Wikipedia to a reasonable project. Not a good project, but it is foor free. But if they blow it in the way they are doing now, there are now winners, but only losers at the end. Big losers. Nothing will remain, except the wiki hell with a complete burned down project. Because there is not even a single change they survive in this way.

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Re: The Rambling Man

Post by CrowsNest » Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:22 pm

Graaf Statler wrote:
Wikipedia, like the Universe, is now accelerating to its heat death. We're getting more and more hawkish monitors at AN and ANI, we're getting fewer and fewer content contributors, and like a snake eating its own tail, the project is doomed to fail because of individuals who do nothing more than police the place. It's like Rise of the Machines. Eventually, though, these Wiki-police will be replaced by AI-bots who will detect the quality of your contribution and summarily block you if you don't meet their threshold. The good news about that is that you know you're dealing with a 'bot, not these other individuals who claim to be human and who claim to be interested in a collaborative project and who claim to be motivated by improving Wikipedia, but manifestly do nothing of the sort other than attempt to govern it and enforce their petty Wiki-lawyering efforts on the few humans who are left to produce content. And, as any of you would know if you know anything about me, it's not even worth starting to discuss the facile and self-important, self-aggrandising, self-perpetuating nonsense known as Arbcom. Toothless, ball-less, hopeless. I think when God created the Norwegian coastline, he had to do something equal and opposite, yin and yang, so he created Arbcom. I know you know all this. My best to you. The Rambling Man (talk) 22:19, 2 May 2018 (UTC).

I don't know the guy, Crow, but whatever is to say about him, this is a great post. Because it is describing exact what is going on, Wikipedia is accelerating to it's heat dead, It's gaining speed and speed, and nobody is able to stop this proces anymore. The content writers are repressed, and only the wiki-police is left. Because that's the group what has the power and the money in there hands, and there only interest is to keep it that way. And as long that system doesn't change, they are going high speed in the direction of the wiki hell to burn there forever.......
No, he's got it wrong, and quite spectacularly so. Wikipedia is losing editors, sure, but it has more of do with the fact the "wiki-police" are badly losing the battle to control misbehaving editors just like him, making the so called community of editors look like a farce to potential new recruits. There's still a few well behaved content writers on Wikipedia, never been blocked and write far more than he ever has, and they hate TRM's guts as badly as anyone on Wikipedia. And he knows it. He ignores inconvenient facts like that when offering up his theories for what is wrong and how to fix it. It's ironic that he hates Trump, because his logic isn't that much different. He is speaking from emotion and personal interest, nothing more. He is a false idol.

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Re: The Rambling Man

Post by Graaf Statler » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:38 pm

I think we are looking from a different perspective to this posting. You know person, the situation, and the English Wiki.
I just see a quote. And I said it many times before , you can't compare in no way WPNL and WPEN.

WPNL is a orphan. Nobody is interested in the project anymore, except some user who are there the last hundred years. Very poor editors who made wikipedia to there living room. And some kids, most times with a mental problem. For them it's attractive, they are respected there and feel welcome. It's there social surrounding. And some users who are glad in general because there is at least still somebody who obey them. it's a failed project.
From time to time someone makes a new, a extra sock puppet and that is a new user. But the true is there are hardly any new users, and if someone is new he or she is leaving in no time screaming the wiki house. Except if someone has some extreem agenda, like that gender bull.

It's pretty depressing. And it is not a leak of good faith, it is a matter of total incompetence. From time to time they try something what made in practice the situation most time/always even more dramatic. Like for instance that Natuur12/Ymnes tandem, what was hot around 2015.. Everybody was enthusiastic, in every corridor and corner you only was hearing Ymens, ymnes, Ymnes, and Natuur12 , Natuur 12, Natuur12, till it collapsed as a soufflé. Later we got that gender bullshit, it was only gender, gender, porn gender and god may know what problem they wanted to solve with it. You guess it, porn gender writer Alice left the wiki house with smashing doors, and again, soufflé. But, I have to say, Alice was one of the better and reasonable editors. If you was interested in brothels and porn of course. And she was absolute friendly.

This is going on for all the years I have been active there. An huge soufflé is served as the final solution, everybody is enthusiastic, and at the end that soufflé is plummeting. And of course they didn't like me, because I was always that little boy who was saying, that empire is naked, that soufflé is plummeting.
But because they are so tremendous stupide they thought I was the troll who was plummeting there soufflé.

It is really a pity you guys can't read Dutch, because most times you are pissing your pans. And I am convinced some trolls don't blow WPNL away because it is pure amusement for them, subsidised by WMF.
There are no content writers there anymore. They let some students translate a few articles from other Wiki's, compose some copy past with bots, and that is what WPNL is.

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Re: The Rambling Man

Post by CrowsNest » Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:54 pm

Not dead. More's the pity. ... =847282098

He had things to attend to in real life. And when that happens, who doesn't sign off with "rip"?

The things.he had to attend to in real life were of course imaginary. He was just waiting to see what happened. It went in his favour, so his first act on Wikipedia was to gloat..... ... 847282019I

Stronger than ever indeed. Doesn't seem like it to me. Seems like standard strength TRM.

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Re: The Rambling Man

Post by CrowsNest » Tue Jul 17, 2018 11:12 pm

Strong oppose junk factoid article, no encyclopedic content beyond tables and stats, not something we would ever feature on the main page, shocking that some people think we do. The Rambling Man (talk) 22:08, 17 July 2018 (UTC)
Given he is talking about Wimbledon, it's shocking that some people still believe Wikipedia is an an encyclopedia, tbf.

This too, from this gimp who thinks adding text to a list which merely explains in words what the average human can easily deduce from the table, somehow makes it a quality piece of encyclopedic content

The only kind of work that is, is busy work. In the real world, you give busy work to annoying twats you don't want anywhere near anything important. So it's odd to see Rambling Man choosing to do it himself. Almost like he knows......

If the Wikipediots keep looking the other way, keep giving this asswipe carte blanche to speak for them, as if he is the living embodiment of their ethos, values and mission, well, soon you won't even have editors around to add mere stats and tables.

I've already seen that trend in lesser sports. Entire editions of championships, not even created yet, months after the event finished.

Wikipedia is already at the state where the loss of one person, one editor who objects to their work being dismissed as junk factoids, has results like that. People don't notice, because there is no management, no governing mind, nobody looking at trends and effects. Just cancerous blobs like TRM, floating in a sea of poison.

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Re: The Rambling Man

Post by CrowsNest » Sat Jul 21, 2018 12:43 am

So, this happened, for something like the fiftieth time.

1. The Rambling Man requests at AN that admins respond to WP:ERRORS in a timely fashion, if at all
2. People tell him they would/did, until they realised how much of an ungrateful, rude and generally difficult cock he really is, and that putting up with his shit is apparently a prerequisite of working at WP:ERRORS
3. He denies/deflects/whattabouts and otherwise simply claims not to know of what they speak
4. They tell him, yup, that's what they meant
5. Repeat 3. and 4. a few more times
26. He does something childish which completely undercuts his original supposed reason for his request

This time, he has declared he will no longer file WP:ERRORS. I was going to explain more, but repeating his own words is the only way I can truly convey the sheer TRMness of it as a nominal reply to colleagues......
I tell you what I’ll do, I just keep my own errors record and not go near your precious and sensitive ERRORS. That way you can all go on avoiding the main issue and I can keep a robust record of the ongoing main page negligence. Of course this will not incur POLEMIC because it will just be a r cord of factual issues. End of (your) problem. The Rambling Man (talk) 15:34, 20 July 2018 (UTC)
This of course assumes he can even keep to that promise. His time on Wikipedia has featured countless climbdowns from previous ridiculous ultimatums and tantrums, eventually, when maximum drama has been obtained and people have moved on, without anyone ever actually needing or even wanting to do anything to soothe the angry toddler.

The only ally he ever seemingly has in these escapades, is the even more ridiculous Dweller, although this time, having apparently realised the pattern, he is now at least trying to give off a more conciliatory tone. With no success, because by now, you have literally no chance of convincing anyone TRM can or even would be prepared to change his approach.

So, who is the bigger idiot here? Is it TRM, for continually banging his head against this brick wall (if we pretend for a minute he isn't just doing all this because he wants the attention and love the drama), or is it all the other people who do bother responding, knowing fine well he is not and never will change the way he thinks or acts, so they might as well save time and ignore him completely.

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Re: The Rambling Man

Post by CrowsNest » Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:43 pm

Whiny. Little. Bitch. ... Man/ERRORS

Best response? Fix the errors, don't tell him you've done so, much less update his sad little table, and watch as he gets angrier and angrier that nobody wants to acknowledge his indispensable role to Wikipedia.

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Re: The Rambling Man

Post by CrowsNest » Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:23 am

What a bunch of cowards. There's two goddamned Arbitrators and one Super Admin in all this talk, and they still can't seem to find the collective backbone needed to impose even a simple topic ban.
I had assumed the problem of being driven off by a single contributor was not as widespread as this, though. If we have boatloads of high-activity admins being driven out of an area in need of attention by a single contributor, a topic ban sounds like the solution (and may fulfill the initial request for more eyes on the main page). ~ Rob13Talk 08:24, 21 July 2018 (UTC)
A one-comment restriction would be ineffective for someone who starts their commentary with gems like "I know this is a waste of time because no-one gives a toss about...". The more I look at it, the more I think a full topic ban is eventually going to be needed. Boing! said Zebedee (talk) 08:16, 21 July 2018 (UTC)

I do think that your removal from ERRORS is probably the second-best outcome given that you are apparently not prepared to adjust your attitude, but I'm disappointed we could not achieve the best outcome. Boing! said Zebedee (talk) 16:13, 21 July 2018 (UTC)
Whenever TRM brought up unambiguous errors, I am pretty sure most of us have been and are more than willing to fix them in a timely manner. But when it comes to questionable content, a simple query from a patrolling admin/editor are often met with hostility (especially for those admins that have history with TRM). We should not be personalising discussions; this is agreed by all editors that have commented so far. If we were to look back last 5000 revisions on ERRORS, it should not be difficult to find out which particular editor has been consistently initiating the personalising of discussion approach. It is frustrating because TRM is perfectly capable of working in a collegial manner; I have seen it, and I have read about it. This is not about sensitivity, nor is it about any one individual; but if any editor deliberately chooses to be belligerent toward another human being, their presence is not compatible with the project and needs to be removed from the topic area. Alex Shih (talk) 16:48, 21 July 2018 (UTC)
Sadly, some people seem to think TRM voluntarily banning himself from ERRORS is a suitable alternative to sending him a clear message in the form of an official sanction. It is not.

For a start, it doesn't stop him running his alternate errors page and bitching all over the place about how he was forced out of performing his grave duty in the real thing by the evil admins, in the greatest injustice ever seen in Wikipedia (the top five list all feature TRM).

He's already bitching, but you knew that, riight? Riiiight? ... =851677242 ... =851600186

Neither does it stop him deciding to reverse his decision way down the line. Which he has shown often enough, he is prone to do. He likes to test his critics resolve, and he knows that on Wikipedia, for disruptive editors, time is always their best friend. It makes people forget things like the above conclusions. It makes people wrongly assume dicks like him have reflected on their behaviour with the benefit of hindsight. He does not. He's just not that kind of guy, as people commenting on this report, and countless before it, have concluded.

Lastly, there's the fact that he is so obviously only banning himself out of childish spite, a desire to get someone, anyone, to feel sorry for him and respond to his toddler tantrum, and latterly only because he could see if he did not voluntarily remove himself, a formal ban was on the cards. This means that it would be an insult to all those people in the past, when facing feedback like this, often not even as bad as this, have been mature enough to admit fault, apologise and offer a voluntary remedy, to accept this one as if it was remotely the right thing to do.

Sadly, this incident has had an all too familiar ending for Wikipedia governance......
Thread has served its purpose. It's time to move on. Alex Shih (talk) 17:59, 23 July 2018 (UTC)
You poor fools. He never moves on. He's still bitching about shit that happened years ago. Because he's a Whiny Little Bitch.

Looking ahead, when the time comes that The Rambling Man can't stand it any longer and tries to rewrite history to suggest he never even agreed to a voluntary departure from WP:ERRORS, then here are the relevant posts fom the discussion......
The more I look at it, the more I think a full topic ban is eventually going to be needed. Boing! said Zebedee (talk) 08:16, 21 July 2018 (UTC)

Please, stop wasting time. I've already said I'll no longer contribute ever again to ERRORS, you've got what you wanted and chased me away forever. I hope the myriad errors which beset the main page don't ruin the experiences of 20 millions readers every day. Goodbye. The Rambling Man (talk) 08:21, 21 July 2018 (UTC)

It seems this is a moot point, as the person whom most of you are referring to has self-imposed a voluntary topic ban from this area of Wikipedia. --WaltCip (talk) 13:43, 21 July 2018 (UTC)
Try not to fuck even that part of good "governance" up.

TRM has only lasted this long because you daft bastards have memories like goldfish.

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Re: The Rambling Man

Post by CrowsNest » Sun Aug 12, 2018 5:54 pm

TRM is pretty dumb. For twenty one days, he's been toiling away at his own personal errors page, and is ecstatic other admins are responding to the reports. He clearly thinks he's a very clever boy, that he's proved something. Well, he has.

He has proved the Administrators who see him as an asset to Wikipedia, don't really care if he is shunted off to the side, out of everyone else's way, like a leper. They're happy to use him as some kind of second class drone, able to work for the supposed benefit Wikipedia, but only in his dark little cupboard. They know where his report card can be found, if they feel like using it. If not, they know he can cause no drama.

He has also proved that he didn't have the self-belief to face down the Administrators that he blames for exiling him to this cupboard. To get him out of the way, he showed all they had to do was raise the mere prospect that his continued presence at the official errors venue should be discussed by the community. He wasn't having that, he knew where he could find a disused cupboard at the local dump, so he just dragged that home instead. Job done as far as the people looking to remove his ugly mug from public view. Out of sight, out of mind.

He's also proven he is distinctly aware he is only really safe in his little cupboard if he doesn't make too much fuss. In stark contrast to his behaviour out in the public venues of Wikipedia, where he was super-officious and controlling, and frequently created drama if things weren't going exactly as he wanted, he now magically takes the view that what visitors choose to use his cupboard for, is entirely up to them. Sign the clipboard, don't sign the clipboard, he's not bothered. Come, don't come, he's satisfied either way. Oooo errrr vicar.

I think he might even let people urinate on him in his cupboard. He would certainly have a hard time explaining before the local magistrates why he deserves the same rights and protections of proper citizens doing their civic duty in properly designated public venues, not to be urinated on. I think any passing sheriff would say, what people do to you in the privacy of your own private cupboard, is down to you to police. His powers being limited to shutting the door and staying very very quiet if he sees an angry drunk approaching. He could pay for private security, I suppose.

He has also proved, and quite convincingly so, just how easy to is to destroy the very notion Wikipedia is a collaboration, much less a community, with shared values and a common understanding of how to self-organise. And you know what happens when one person sets up home under a bridge in a disused box. Next week you've got a whole shanty town, completely lawless and full of undocumented vagrants. Sure, they might still serve a useful function in society, but you don't let visitors within a hundred miles of them.

What TRM really wants, of course, is for one of his regular visitors to his little cupboard, to give him a little bit of help. To speak up for him before the authorities. But as is the case with people in the margins of society, it can be difficult to help them. Just how do you go about obtaining an assurance that an editor is allowed to do an activity that he was never officially banned from? Something he voluntarily walked away from, so as to avoid an official ruling. The authorities have settled for pretending like the there is no problem to solve, arguing that dark little cupboards which replicate official functions are and always have been part of Wikipedia, on the odd occasion he stumbles out of the shadows to remind everyone of his tale of woe.

Makes you think, Wikipedia is a pretty dark place.

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