Ah, fuck of madam gender with your bullshit.

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Ah, fuck of madam gender with your bullshit.

Post by Graaf Statler » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:26 am

Dutch Wikipedia was lower in measurements of collaborative intent, awareness of self and others, feedback and recognition, individual commitment to diversity, and inclusive interactions.” LOL, no surprise there, just take a look at the crude, misogynist language they use over on Sucks.


The Dutch wikipedia is in general one big joke filled up with complete idiots and gender trolls.
What do you expect, a polite safe space discussion about Wikipedia-NL? Fuck of with your gender bullshit madam gender. This is not WO or a other safe wiki space, this is a wiki hate site.

Wikipedia is a far to primitive medium what will help not one single woman in this world, not a surprise this figures. And you are clever enough to understand that, you are just a bit gender trolling on your blog. Because every normal, normal thinking woman will run screaming away from wikipedia, special because of the gender trolls and the rest of the complete idiots. And that is the real reason the number of female editors drops, madam.

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Re: Ah, fuck of madam gender with your bullshit.

Post by Graaf Statler » Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:47 am

And if Valerie is really that clever girl as described here she does the same and only right thing after a short time, running screaming away as far as she can from WMF/Trollopedia.

Nobody can fix Wikipedia anymore madam, that is a illusion. No man, and no woman, no one on this world. And that is the cruel true, madam, what doesn't change how many troll post you will write in the future with midsize Jake as your site kick. It doesn't help madam, wikipedia is lost and far beyond repair.

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Re: Ah, fuck of madam gender with your bullshit.

Post by Graaf Statler » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:50 pm

Someone who is glad Statler is on sucks, not on WP
FEBRUARY 11, 2019 AT 12:28 PM
Please consider that Graaf Statler is a, to say it politely, somewhat confused person. Luckily, he has been blocked indefinitely, so we don’t really care about him. He seems to think that wikipediasucks is quite an important forum, but I don’t see that.

It makes the two of us happy, mister or madam Someone who is glad Statler is on sucks, not on WP. Because that makes me really very happy. A site without all kinds of safe places to protect complete lunatics. And do you want a light to light your gaslight? You welcome!

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Re: Ah, fuck of madam gender with your bullshit.

Post by Graaf Statler » Mon Feb 11, 2019 2:28 pm

The only thing on that gender desk what is female is that you all are cowedly pussy's. You are just a bunch of digital travesties, and don't try to fool me, assholes.
And that is what you are. A bunch of assholes and Jakeass too to play this role as a sidekick.

That gender desk is just a pried from unsuspecting (male) schoolchildren under false pretences. And I am pretty sure Mies is absolute one of the lady's....

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Re: Ah, fuck of madam gender with your bullshit.

Post by CrowsNest » Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:07 pm

The problems on Dutch Wikipedia would be down to Drmies, I would have thought.

Pay her no attention Graaf, she has been given plenty of opportunities to show she has the right priorities. For whatever reason, she is blind to the obvious fact as to which of the two forums is the natural home of woman haters and apologists for Wikipedia's rampant sexism.

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Re: Ah, fuck of madam gender with your bullshit.

Post by Graaf Statler » Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:59 pm

Exacte. It was the as usual gaslichting of madam gender with her Utter Fucking Bullshit. Because, as that tiny ferret fucker noticed on the gender desk, I am expelled from the sect WP-NL for years.
So, how for the hell can I be responsible for extreem poor performance of WP-NL? Or how can Sucks in general?
Yeh, I think it is indeed better if they have a close look at Drmies/Natuur12 if they want to know the reason why, and not at me.

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Re: Ah, fuck of madam gender with your bullshit.

Post by Graaf Statler » Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:18 am

And now you do it god damm it again!
Since this blog is about gender, I have also detailed some of their gender failings in a new post. People like Graaf who do not understand gender problems need education and information, but where are the articles in the Dutch Wikipedia?

Who is the first one to admire WP-NL can't handle anything? ME! And why for the hell are you promoting your shitty posting about Holland again, my little Google princes? I have explained you before why that posting is so shitty. Because you don't have even a clou about Holland! And the police doesn't arrest you if you pee in the street, that is total nonsens, You simple don't have to pee on the street, and if you do so they write both man and woman a ticket. 90 Euro. Amsterdam is one of the most overcrowded city's with tourist in the world, what do you expect? Everyone can just pee in the streets? Is that normal where you are living? Amsterdam is a medieval city, where do you want to situate all that toilets for that millions of tourists every year? And what about all that tourist what jump from there balcony every year because of drugs? Also a article? Sensation, madam gender, only sensation.

Do you know what all that foreigners how are telling us what we have to do have to do? Get lost out of Holland and WMF with it's shitty wikipedias as first!
Last edited by Graaf Statler on Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ah, fuck of madam gender with your bullshit.

Post by CrowsNest » Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:45 am

Since this blog is about gender
Gender in general, maybe, but even that doesn't seem obvious from the output. But gender and Wikipedia? No. We've hosted more threads about that issue in the last year than her blog, and our sphere of interest is the whole of Wikipedia.

Right now, there is a massive fight between one of the most notorious members of the Manchester cabal of women haters (whose protector is ironically one of the Gender Traitor Bitches Of Wikipedia) and one of the most prominent LGBT editors, and the mighty ArbCom wants absolutely nothing to do with it.

She knows nothing of these things, hence either doesn't blog about it at all, or does, but very late and riddled with easily identified errors, because she doesn't take the time to study the thing she supposedly set the blog up to study.

If she knew anything about anything, she could tell us now many feminism related articles the renowned woman hater and pretend feminist Wikipedia Administrator and tenured professor Drmies has written or improved on Wikipedia, in English or Dutch.

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Re: Ah, fuck of madam gender with your bullshit.

Post by Graaf Statler » Tue Feb 12, 2019 10:07 am

Professor Mies his specialty is to use his trusted position in this kind of discussions to be a fireman with a petrol hose. At least on WP-NL, because, well, let I say it polite way, the gender lady's are a little bit naive, and many users are niet als een ander. Not like a other, a local expresion to say in a polite way it is about someone with physical disability. And all of this in combination with the WMF safe spaces policy is of course the wet dream of our extreem intelligent Drmies. And that is his tactic and that is the real reason why WP-NL is preforming so bad.

It is of course rediciles what madam gender is doing, not informed blaming me and Sucks for the chaos and bad preforming of WP-NL. Or man in general. Or to google just a few things without any context, place them out of there context, and put it in front to "proof" how bad life is for woman in Holland. It is all madness, both from "her" as from WMF what they are doing. And a complete waste of donor money of course. It's a Drmies troll blog, because the last bad posting is written by a Dutchman, that is clear. Because every fact it correct, but placed in a complete false context.

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Re: Ah, fuck of madam gender with your bullshit.

Post by Graaf Statler » Tue Jun 25, 2019 6:20 pm

trolly troll Gender wrote:Two comments on that, (1) yes I think “shift of power” is about right, it is a realistic evaluation and (2) this is how it has *always* been for women. But when it happens to men, they down the tools and walk away, muttering “fairness”. And so far, none of them has been mocked as a “social justice warrior”, or told to develop a “tougher skin” or not to be such a “special snowflake”. Shall we have no more of those head-scratching “why don’t women edit Wikipedia” articles?

Just fuck off, most of the woman on WP are the worst and professional victims. And Mies, when do you stop your gender trolling?
A, just shit off, Mies!

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